The August 2010 newsletter advises of the proceedings of the July meeting, updates on annual rainfall for Chiltern and the forthcoming AGM in September

Correspondence to:Neville Bartlett, Secretary

18 Barton Drive, Baranduda, 3691

Newsletter: Eileen Collins:

Dear Friends

Thankfully the weather forecast for Sunday was only partially correct and we were spared the strong westerly winds. However it did rain so we spent the short downpours in the hide, once conveniently at morning tea time and then again for lunch. Seven members achieved a lot. The shrubs were planted and watered in twice by us and the rain. The area around the new table was very wet and muddy so the mulch from the shredding was transported from the entrance by ute and trailer and spread over the area. There really was no time to feel cold! The next task at this site will be to erect the brush screening and tidy up the area ready for the opening and this will need to be done at a mid-month gathering.

Parks have re-designed the entrance to Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam. There is now a wide entrance without a gate which leads into a fenced car park. This will make entering and leaving the block much easier and safer.

In the afternoon three of us went in search of the “missing” Slaughteryard Gap nest box which Bruce Quin had located for us. How we missed it in the first instance was a mystery to us. The old box was still in good condition and contained a nest so we erected the new box nearby. All that took about fifteen minutes. On the way home we decided to look at a couple of boxes and to our delight both had two Squirrel Gliders curled up in them. A fantastic end to a long day.

Orchids are starting to flower. Dwarf and Nodding Greenhoods are the earliest while the Waxlips, Glossodia major are in bud. The small Ploughshare Wattle, Acacia gunnii is in full flower showing off its pale yellow flowers. As the name suggests this little wattle is named from the leaf being shaped like a ploughshare.

The purple Common Hovea, Hovea linearis, is also brightening the forest floor and will soon be followed by Purple Coral Pea, Hardenbergia violaceae, more commonly known as Happy Wanderer.

The rains and following damp days have ensured an abundance of fungi, mosses, ferns and lichens. In the Chiltern section of the park the most common fern is Rock Fern, Cheilanthes austrotenuilfolia.


July 75.4 mm over 9 days. Yearly total to date: 420.5 mm over 46 days. Seems like a lot more!

Mid-month activities

We have a few tasks to complete so if anyone has spare time please contact Eileen.


This will be the final mailed newsletter for unfinancial members.


Friends will meet at the post office at 1pm. Dinner will be at 6pm at the Senior Citizens Hall in Conness Street. Dinner will be catered for and soft drinks provided. BYO alcohol. Please RSVP by August 26th to: P.O.Box 60 Chiltern, 3683 OR email: Please indicate if you require vegetarian or vegan food.

The guest speaker for 2010 is Mark Carey. Mark has been studying at La Trobe University for the last 5 years. He is passionate about the ecology and conservation of the remarkable procellariiform seabirds. To this end he is about to complete his PhD which investigates various aspects of breeding biology of Short-tailed Shearwaters. His field site is a remote, wind-swept island in the Furneaux Group, Tasmania where he can spend up to 4 months at a time. The talk presented at the AGM will follow his research path through the past 5 years including a world exclusive look at the Short-tailed Shearwater’s extraordinary migration pattern. He will share stories of daily life on the remote island and dangers of fieldwork in the shearwater colony.

Opening of the bird hide

This will take place on Saturday September 11th at Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam.

Please assemble at 11.30am for a 12noon opening. A BBQ lunch will be served at 12.30pm.

For catering purposes please RSVP to: P.O.Box 60 Chiltern,3683 OR email: by September 2nd Please indicate if you require vegetarian or vegan food.


P.O. Box 60 CHILTERN 3683 To assist, please mark the envelope Membership. Please ensure your contact details are current. Thank you. Friends have achieved a great deal during the past year. Surveys for plants, birds and monitoring, replacing and erection of new mammal boxes, tree planting , weed control and the provision of a bird hide are just some of our contributions. Your support for our activities is valued and your membership renewal is vital to our cause. Membership expires on June 30th. Please find enclosed my membership of $10 for 2010-11 The fee covers the whole family and includes 11 newsletters. Name………………………………………………………………



Address …………………………………………………. Postcode …………………..

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