Friends of Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park is dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the Park.
Our group, the Friends of Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park is more than 25 years old and is dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the Park.

The group consists of volunteers who undertake hands-on activities in the Park including the following
Habitat restoration and enhancement – tree and shrub planting
Regent Honeyeater surveys
Wetland bird surveys
Weed Control – especially caper spurge, genista species, European olives, Wheel Cactus and Cootamundra wattle
Erosion control – stabilising eroding watercourses
Educational activities – ie. nature walks
Walking tracks maintenance especially from the new freeway rest area and the White Box Walking Track
Establishment and maintenance of nesting boxes

Proclaimed in 1997 and recently expanded, the Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park (21,565 hectares) is located between Beechworth and Chiltern and includes the Mt Pilot Range and Woolshed Falls.
The park protects Box-Ironbark vegetation. Rugged Mugga Ironbarks and Box trees grace the canopy of the Park. A shrub layer, many wattles and smaller flowering plants and native grasses contrast with the hard black fissured trunks of the Ironbarks. The Box and Ironbark forests once covered three million hectares, or 14% of Victoria. Today, 85% of the original forests and woodlands have been cleared, and most of the remaining fragments are degraded by timber cutting, mining or overgrazing. The Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park is an important remnant of this once widespread forest type and also features the granite country of Mt Pilot, rare orchids and wattles, spectacular waterfalls of Woolshed, Barry and Clear Creek. Cultural features include pre-settlement art sites, mining era sites and relics.
All Correspondence and Newsletter enquiries to:
Neville Bartlett, 18 Barton Drive,Baranduda, Vic 3691
– 0412399239