Common NameScientific NameRemarks1Remarks2Photos
Common NameScientific NameRemarks1Remarks2
Gold-dust WattleAcacia acinaceaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Thin-leaf WattleAcacia aculeatissimaPhotos
Alpine WattleAcacia alpinaEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Rough WattleAcacia aspera subsp asperaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Cootamundra Wattle*Acacia baileyanaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Mt Typo WattleAcacia boormanii subsp. gibbaEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Grey MulgaAcacia brachybotryaPhotos
Box-leaf WattleAcacia buxifolia subsp. buxifoliaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Wyalong Wattle*Acacia cardiophyllaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Catkin WattleAcacia dallachianaVulnerable: facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Silver WattleAcacia dealbata subsp. dealbataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Deane’s WattleAcacia deanei subsp. deaneiCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Green WattleAcacia deanei subsp. paucijugaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkVulnerable: facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Western Silver WattleAcacia decoraEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
*Early Black Wattle*Acacia decurrensCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Drooping WattleAcacia difformisCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Currawang/Coast MyallAcacia doratoxylonCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Bent-leaf WattleAcacia flexifoliaEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
*White Sallow-wattle*Acacia floribundaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Spreading WattleAcacia genistifoliaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Ploughshare WattleAcacia gunniiCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Hakea WattleAcacia hakeoidesPhotos
LightwoodAcacia implexaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Flinders Range Wattle*Acacia iteaphyllaIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Buffalo WattleAcacia kettlewelliaePhotos
Woolly WattleAcacia lanigera var. lanigeraCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkVulnerable: facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Woolly WattleAcacia lanigera var. whaniiPhotos
Stringybark WattleAcacia linearifoliaEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Streaked WattleAcacia lineataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
*Sallow Wattle*Acacia longifolia subsp. longifoliaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Coast Wattle*Acacia longifolia subsp. sophoraePhotos
Black WattleAcacia mearnsiiCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Blackwood/Sally WattleAcacia melanoxylonCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
YarranAcacia melvilleiCritically Endangered: facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Mitchell’s WattleAcacia mitchelliiPhotos
Mallee WattleAcacia montanaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Mountain Hickory WattleAcacia obliquinerviaPhotos
Umbrella WattleAcacia oswaldiiCritically Endangered: facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Hedge Wattle/Prickly WattleAcacia paradoxaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Weeping Myall (Boree)Acacia pendulaCritically Endangered: facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Phantom WattleAcacia phasmoidesCritically Endangered: facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Buffalo Sallow-wattleAcacia phlebophyllaCritically Endangered: facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
*Queensland Silver Wattle*Acacia podalyriifoliaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Ovens WattleAcacia pravissimaPhotos
Golden WattleAcacia pycnanthaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Red-stem WattleAcacia rubidaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Willow WattleAcacia salicinaPhotos
* Orange Wattle*Acacia salignaIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Dagger WattleAcacia siculiformisPhotos
Pale Hickory-wattleAcacia sporadicaCritically Endangered: facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Spur-wing WattleAcacia tripteraCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkVulnerable: facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Juniper WattleAcacia ulicifoliaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Varnish WattleAcacia vernicifluaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Hairy Sheep’s BurrAcaena agnipilaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Sheep’s BurrAcaena echinataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Bidgee-widgeeAcaena novae-zelandiaePhotos
Australian Sheep’s BurrAcaena x-ovinaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Box Elder*Acer negundoIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Sheep Sorrel*Acetosella vulgarisCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Milfoil*Achillea millefoliumIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Hooded Mosquito-orchidAcianthus collinusCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkCritically Endangered: facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Mosquito OrchidAcianthus exsertusCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Mountain CeleryAciphylla glacialisEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Mountain AciphyllAciphylla simplicifoliaEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Mountain Beard-heath (alpine)Acrothamnus hookeriPhotos
Mountain Beard-heath (sub-alpine)Acrothamnus hookeriPhotos
Snow Beard-heathAcrothamnus montanusEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Trailing Ground-berryAcrotriche prostrataPhotos
Honey-potsAcrotriche serrulataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Flannel CudweedActinobole uliginosumPhotos
Common MaidenhairAdiantum aethiopicumCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Century Plant*Agave americanaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Brown-top Bent*Agrostis capillaris var. capillarisIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Tree of Heaven*Ailanthus altissimaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Silvery Hair-grass*Aira caryophylleaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Quicksilver Grass*Aira cupanianaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Delicate Hair-grass*Aira elegantissimaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Austral BugleAjuga australisCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Water PlantainAlisma plantago-aquaticaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Giant-head Garlic*Allium ampeloprasumCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Three-corner Garlic*Allium triquetrumIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
BulokeAllocasuarina luehmanniiCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkCritically Endangered: facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Drooping SheoakAllocasuarina verticillataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Lesser JoyweedAlternanthera denticulataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Khaki Weed*Alternanthera pungensIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Plains joyweedAlternanthera sp.1Photos
*Redroot Amaranth*Amaranthus retroflexusIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Belladonna Lily*Amaryllis belladonnaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Floating Swamp Wallaby-grassAmphibromus fluitansCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkVulnerable: facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Long-nosed Swamp Wallaby-grassAmphibromus macrorhinusCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Swamp Wallaby-grassAmphibromus neesiiPhotos
Common Swamp Wallaby-grassAmphibromus nervosusCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Hairy Fiddle-neck*Amsinckia calycinaIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Common Fiddle-neck*Amsinckia intermediaIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Box MistletoeAmyema miqueliiCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Fleshy MistletoeAmyema miraculosa subsp.boormaniiCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Drooping MistletoeAmyema pendula subsp. pendulaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Grey MistletoeAmyema quandang var quandangCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Whisky Grass*Andropogon virginicusIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Annual FernAnogramma leptophyllaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Common Wheat-grassAnthosachne scabraCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Annual Vernal-grass*Anthoxanthum aristatumCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Sweet Vernal-grass*Anthoxanthum odoratumCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Australian PiertAphanes australianaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Small Piert*Aphanes inexspectataIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Slender ApheliaAphelia gracilisCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Irish Strawberry Tree*Arbutus unedoIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Cape Weed*Arctotheca calendulaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Lesser Thyme-leaved Sandwort*Arenaria leptocladosIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Alpine CudweedArgyrotegium fordianumPhotos
Silver CudweedArgyrotegium mackayiEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Brush Wire-grassAristida behrianaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Cane Wire-grassAristida ramosaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Nodding Chocolate-lilyArthropodium fimbriatumPhotos
Pale Vanilla-lilyArthropodium milleflorumCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Small Vanilla-lilyArthropodium minusCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Small Chocolate-lilyArthropodium sp. 3Currently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Chocolate LilyArthropodium strictumCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Chocolate LilyArthropodium strictum (North-East Variant)Currently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Bridal Creeper*Asparagus asparagoidesCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Common WoodruffAsperula confertaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Mountain WoodruffAsperula gunniiPhotos
Alpine WoodruffAsperula pusillaPhotos
Prickly WoodruffAsperula scoparia subsp. scopariaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Necklace FernAsplenium flabellifoliumCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Blanket FernAsplenium subglandulosumCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Silver AsteliaAstelia alpina var. novae-hollandiaePhotos
Lemon Star-bushAsterolasia asteriscophora subsp. asteriscophoraPhotos
Alpine Star-bushAsterolasia trymalioides subsp. trymalioidesPhotos
Cranberry HeathAstroloma humifusum (See Styphelia humifusa)
Rough Star-hairAstrotricha asperifolia subsp. 2Endangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Narrow-leaf Star-hairAstrotricha linearisEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Old-man SaltbushAtriplex nummularia subsp. nummulariaPhotos
Berry SaltbushAtriplex semibaccataPhotos
Shade NettleAustralina pusilla subsp.muelleriPhotos
Dense Spear-grassAustrostipa densifloraCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Feather Spear-grassAustrostipa elegantissimaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Spurred Spear-grassAustrostipa gibbosaPhotos
Soft Spear-grassAustrostipa mollisPhotos
Knotty Spear-grassAustrostipa nodosaPhotos
Rough Spear-grassAustrostipa scabra subsp. falcataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Bearded Oat*Avena barbataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Ferny AzollaAzolla pinnataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Red AzollaAzolla rubraPhotos
Alpine BaeckeaBaeckea gunnianaPhotos
Mountain BaeckeaBaeckea utilisCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Mountain Cord-rushBaloskion australePhotos
Silver BanksiaBanksia marginataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Early Wintercress*Barbarea vernaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Soft Twig-sedgeBaumea rubiginosa (see Machaerina rubiginosa)Currently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park
Blanket LeafBedfordia arborescensPhotos
* Red Bartsia*Bellardia latifoliaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Bellardia*Bellardia trixagoIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*English Daisy*Bellis perennisIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
PinkwoodBeyeria viscosaExtinct: there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual of the taxon has died.Photos
Purple Apple-berryBillardiera macranthaPhotos
Apple-berryBillardiera mutablisPhotos
Common Apple-berryBillardiera scandensCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Soft Water-fernBlechnum minusPhotos
Fishbone Water-fernBlechnum nudumPhotos
Common Rasp-fernBlechnum parrisiaePhotos
Alpine Water-fernBlechnum penna-marina subsp. alpinaPhotos
Alpine BoroniaBoronia algidaVulnerable: facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Dwarf BoroniaBoronia nana var. hyssopifolia (see Cyanothamnus nanus var. hyssopifolius)
Matted BossiaeaBossiaea decumbensPhotos
Creeping BossiaeaBossiaea prostrataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Silky BossiaeaBossiaea sericeaPhotos
Red-leg GrassBothriochloa macraCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
KurrajongBrachychiton populneus subsp. populneusCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Daphne HeathBrachyloma daphnoidesCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Branching DaisyBrachyscome aculeataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Field DaisyBrachyscome decipiensPhotos
Tall DaisyBrachyscome diversifoliaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Mountain DaisyBrachyscome foliosaEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Dookie DaisyBrachyscome gracilis subsp. gracilisCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Mueller DaisyBrachyscome muelleroidesEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Cut-leaf DaisyBrachyscome multifidaPhotos
Snow DaisyBrachyscome nivalisPhotos
Woodland Swamp-daisyBrachyscome paludicolaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Rayless DaisyBrachyscome perpusillaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Tiny DaisyBrachyscome ptychocarpaEndangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.Photos
Leafy DaisyBrachyscome rigidulaPhotos
Spoon DaisyBrachyscome spathulataPhotos
Narrow-wing DaisyBrachyscome willisiiCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
*Turnip*Brassica rapaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Indian Mustard*Brassica x junceaIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Large Quaking-grass*Briza maximaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Lesser Quaking-grass*Briza minorCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Prairie Grass*Bromus catharticus var. catharticusIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Great Brome*Bromus diandrusCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Soft Brome*Bromus hordeaceusCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Madrid Brome*Bromus madritensisCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
*Red Brome*Bromus rubensIntroduced - not an indigenous speciesPhotos
Blue PincushionBrunonia australisCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Bulbine LilyBulbine bulbosaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Rock LilyBulbine glaucaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Leek LilyBulbine semibarbataPhotos
MilkmaidsBurchardia umbellataCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Hairy BursariaBursaria spinosa subsp. lasiophyllaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Sweet BursariaBursaria spinosa subsp. spinosaCurrently found in Chiltern Mt Pilot National ParkPhotos
Explanation of Symbols
Symbols Re Threat Status of Flora of Victoria
EX Extinct: there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual of the taxon has died.
CR Critically Endangered: facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
EN Endangered: facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.
VU Vulnerable: facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
These symbols are taken from the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 as shown in the VicFlora website following its 14th July 2022 upgrade. An explanation for the changes can be found in the VicFlora home page.
All symbols shown are the Victorian threat status. For NSW threat status readers are referred to the PlantNET website
Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Status
# Currently found in the National Park