The September 2010 newsletter reports on the AGM held recently and the opening ceremony for the bird hide at Chiltern Valley No 2, an update on the nestbox modification and deployment and reports on the Mt Pilot part of the national park.

Dear Friends
The predicted  heavy rain caused us to cancel our usual AGM afternoon walk but the evening more than made up for  it. Friends caught up with each other during the pre-dinner drinks before enjoying a delicious meal provided by the Chiltern Red Cross Ladies. Our guest speaker, Mark Carey, presented an excellent overview of his research into the behaviour and migration of Short-tailed Shearwaters or  Muttonbirds. His field site was a remote, wind-swept and beautiful island in the Furneaux Group, Tasmania.Using modern technology he showed how he was able to track the birds on their incredible migration route.
The rain made conditions difficult for the hide opening hence the decision to postpone it until November 20th. Hopefully
we will get a pleasant spring day for the occasion.
An energetic group put the final touches to the site mid-month. The screening is now in place, huge loads of mulch have been spread over the picnic area and some weed spraying undertaken. We plan to add to the plantings and may well get this done before the opening but right now the entrance to Valley 2 needs to dry out.. There is a haze of yellow in the main approach to the dam as all the wattles are in bloom. Over the last two years these plantings have slowly transformed the site.

Nest Boxes

Modification of the northern block boxes, with the exception of two which are occupied, is now complete.
We have six boxes designed for Feathertail Gliders ready to install. This could be a mid-month activity if  anyone is keen. In November we will tackle the modification of the southern block boxes.

Around the park

The rainfall has ensured that all dams are full, even Cyanide Dam which has been dry since October 2007 is again looking splendid. See

 This year the fungi are at their best possibly rivaling the early wildflowers. There are brilliantly coloured Jelly Fungi on the base of many trees

 and delicate Bracket Fungi on the shaded sides of tree trunks

not to men

The re-routing of part of Tuan Track Walk was completed mid-month. Five huge bags of rubbish were also removed from the area. Thanks to the workers. Bun was the reward.!
While we were working in that area John found extensive patches of the Dainty Bird Orchid, Chiloglottis trapeziformis, in bud.
These little orchids enjoy a damp site and the ones found were in a little gully along with some Gnat Orchids.
The coming weeks will be a good time to enjoy the Yedonba Aboriginal site and the summit of Mt Pilot in the Mt Pilot section of the park. The wattle and hardenbergia on the climb up to the aboriginal site is stunning and the Micromyrtus among the rocks on the summit is a pleasure not to be missed. Take the climb to the summit slowly and enjoy the views to the east. Watch too, for the Peregrine Falcons which can often be spotted cruising below the summit, and perhaps enjoy lunch while watching.

Annual General Meeting:

The annual report is on the website. The office bearers remain the same and we welcome a new and enthusiastic member Richard Jerome aboard.  I am sure the coming year will be rewarding for us all and I thank everyone who gave generously of their time to make the year a success.

Rainfall August 101.4 mm over 17 days. Yearly total to date: 521.9 mm over 63 days. If the forecast is correct there is quite a lot more to come!
The Green Living Fair
The Green Living Fair at Wahgunyah  will be held on September 19th 10am-3pm We will be taking some exhibits including the Regent Honeyeater presentation. If you would like to come along and enjoy the day and assist please give me a call on  0357261484

It is the first day of daylight saving!!!
Meet at the Post Office at 9.00am. The task for the day will be maintenance of the Tuan Campsite enclosures.
BYO gloves, trowel, digging fork, shovel, lunch, binoculars and chair.
Organiser Jennifer  0260 328 442

Opening of the bird hide

Due to the extremely wet weather this event was postponed until November 20th.
All arrangements will remain the same.

Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees and then names streets after them……………………?

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