Dear Friends

A large group gathered for an introduction into the lives of the  mosses, liverworts and lichens that occur in the park. David Meagher gave us a great insight into these overlooked little “plants’. Asked how many different species might occur in the park, numbers like 10, 15, 20, were offered and greeted with a frown! Closer to the mark was 90! The base of trees, dead wood, gutter sides, rocks, open ground and growing plants were all supporting these little studied plants. After the field trip we retired to the hall for a lovely shared meal followed by a slide presentation on the history of mosses and lichens and magnificent slides of the various species seen during the day. I think all present left with a great appreciation of the many roles these plants play in the ecology of the park. They perform many services, including covering the soil, breaking down rocks, retaining moisture, harbouring insect life which is at the base of the food chain, providing a seedbed for many small plants, including orchids. Our thanks to David for a very interesting day.

Many thanks to those who provided food for the tea and to those who helped with the cleaning and packing up.

Members of the Broken Creek Field Nats Club appreciated the company of Friends members on thier recent visit to the park. Thank you to those who helped.

From the meeting:


There was no general business. The Financial Statement and Convenor’s report were presented and accepted.

Office Bearers for 2002-3 are: E. Collins {Convenor/Treasurer} Neville Bartlett, Secretary.  Committee: June Gotham, Philip Seely, Christine Watson and John Hawker.

Around the Park:

The rainfall total for August was 35 mm, most of which fell over two days. Wattles are brightening up the park though groundcovers are sparse and the usually abundant greenhoods are finding conditions very hard. Honeyeaters remain scarce due to the absence of flowering, the first Dusky Woodswallows have arrived along with White-winged Trillers and Rufous Whistlers. Mistletoe Birds, Turquoise Parrots and Varied Sitellas were all recorded along Skeleton Track on Saturday. A survey of the White Box Ridge showed little or no bud on the White Box. Red Box and Yellow Box has good bud so hopefully some rain will ensure it produces good blossom.  A check on the ecological burn site on Ballarat Road produced an interesting observation. The animal proof enclosures have good cover, with the new growth on the shrubs being most evident. Outside the enclosure it is most obvious that the herbivores are putting great pressure on the ground flora and newly emerged shrubs.

FOCBINP  Newsletter- 100th Edition

This is the 100th edition of the newsletter and congratulations must go to our hardworking editor, Eileen Collins. Eileen has been editor for 9 years, maintaining a great mix of interesting snippets, along with a keen eye for observing what occurs in and around our beloved box-ironbark woodlands. I’m sure all members of Friends will join with us in thanking Eileen and Roy for their unstinting effort to produce and send out the newsletter each month.

Martin O’Brien and Kaye Trainor

For your Diary:

1. Canberra Bird Observers are visiting the district on October 4,5,6th.

2. Rural People for Parks Picnic at Killawarra: Saturday September 7th from 12pm tp 4pm. Please try to attend and bring your friends to demonstrate support for this very valuable Ironbark Forest. Contact: Susie Duncan  0357 261 885

3. Ironbark Festival October 20th. Volunteers needed for manning the Parks display and for guided park walks.

4. Vic-group of the Bird Observers’ Club will be visiting at Cup Weekend, November 2/3/4 and would appreciate company of Friends.

5.Programme change: Our guest for the December meeting will be Fleur Stelling. Fleur will offer ideas for seed collecting and talk about the establishment of the north-eastern seed bank.

6. Box-Ironbark Ecology Course at Puckapunyal  October 28th -1st November. Enquiries: Dianne Marshall, 03 9412  4608

NB. This is the final newsletter for those who are unfinancial.


Removal of Cootamundra Wattles, Tank Track. Bring saw, loppers, secateurs, lunch a friend and energy. Contact Neville on 0260 208 632

Membership Renewal   Friends of Chiltern Park inc





Please find enclosed cheque/money order for $10.00 being membership for the year 2002-2003

Your membership and support is appreciated and we hope you will rejoin for the coming year. Thankyou.

Mail to: Friends of Chiltern Park Membership  P.O.Box 60 CHILTERN  3683

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