Dear Friends,

The hoped for break has arrived, good gentle rain and a break in the frost cycle, both very much appreciated. A brave crew assembled for the day and it was deemed too  wet to spray freesias but not too wet too prevent feral destruction. So off to the Transfer Station block in drizzling rain….”not going to be much Jennifer assured us” and she was right as we only had one light shower. Several large and numerous small Cootamundra Wattles were removed by a hard working crew, old guards were removed and stray containers collected. The removal of the large Cootamundras on the old transfer station needs to be undertaken by the shire in order to remove the seed bank. The growth of the plantation over its ten years is impressive, particularly the strong growth of the Bull Oaks which have set a large amount of seed. Seedling Red-stem, Varnish and Golden Wattles were common and on the nature reserve section of the planting the Hop Bushes are surrounded by their seedlings. A nasty discovery was a huge, dense patch of  Soft Broom which will require spraying by the shire.
Morning tea just did not happen, such was the enthusiasm of the workers, so it was an nearly lunch at Depot Re-veg site. The marking out the Freesia patch on Wallace Gully Road was the next target. This area is too large for Friends to spray so it was marked out for Parks to deal with. Dumping of garden waste may seem harmless but in fact just spreads weeds which can quickly establish themselves and invade the bushland. Among weeds found in dumped waste in the park are Gazanias, Freesias, Grape Hyacinths and weedy grasses
Around the park:  At Chiltern Valley No 2: Parks have tackled the huge Peppercorns. They have been cut and piled ready for burning. The area now looks quite open and we are hoping to extend the planting of understorey which is so lacking.
Bartley’s Track off Mt Pleasant Road has been a good spot for Turquoise Parrots which are somewhat elusive at this time of the year.  Swift Parrots are plentiful throughout the park and are usually easier to see in the late afternoon. Painted Button-quail are out and about following recent rains. Usually seen crossing the tracks or in the gutters.  For good views they are best watched from the secrecy of the car. The Golden Wattle is beginning to flower bringing the promise of promise of spring. Soon we will be looking for the first flowers of Purple Hovea.  Why is it that the first flowering of any species is always so exciting?
The Ironbark blossom continues to produce and with the White Box heavy in bud and some early blossom the outlook for the honeyeaters and returning Swift Parrots looks good.
Proposed trip to Terrick Terrick National Park on Saturday and Sunday September 9th/10th
Dear Friends: As discussed by the committee earlier this year we intend to hold a weekend campout for Friends members.
This park is situated north of Bendigo near the small town of Mitiamo. This 3.880 ha park contains the most significant remaining area of the once extensive native grasslands of northern Victoria. Several species of national and state significance have been recorded there. The park supports over 100 species of birds including Plains Wanderer, Grey-crowned Babbler, Bush-stone Curlew and Barking Owl. The Mt Terrick Picnic Area has camping sites, picnic tables, toilets and park information. Gas stoves and BBQs may be used. Please note that this is a campfire free park.  Arrival and departure times are up to individuals.
Activities for the weekend include bird watching, flora identification and there is the possibility of a spotlight walk stalking the Plains Wanderer providing the ranger is available and good weather prevails. The park has many kilometres of walking trails.
On Sunday those who are interested can travel to the northern sections of the Greater Bendigo Park for extra birding. Of particular interest would be the former Whipstick and Kamarooka State Parks .
For those interested in coming please contact Mark Carey for further information on  E/mail  or 03 57 281 572. Thankyou Mark for organising this weekend. Let’s hope the weather is kind.

Rainfall: June: 39.6  mm over 5 days   Yearly total to date: 134.8 mm over 30 days.
Friends of Warbys: Next  meeting: August 12th Cryptandra site 57218 937

Tree planting at Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam and Rutherglen Bushland Reserve. Contact: John Hawker 0357 281 642  BYO lunch, chair binocs, trowel or small spade and gloves. 

P.O. Box 60   CHILTERN  3683  To assist, please mark the envelope Membership.
Friends have achieved a great deal during the past year. Surveys for plants, birds and monitoring and replacing of mammal boxes, and weed control are just some of our contributions. Your support for our activities is valued and your membership renewal is vital to our cause. Membership expires on June 30th. Please ensure your contact details are current. Thank you.
Please find enclosed my membership of  $10 for 2006-7   The fee covers the whole family and includes 11 newsletters.

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