Convener E.Collins 057 261 484
Newsletter No 18 March 1995
Dear Friends,
There’s not much exciting about collecting rubbish but Friends make their own fun! We found a couple of bodies, one old and rusted, at rest deep in the bush complete with tow bar, The other, more recently discarded, someone’s four footed friend no longer wanted and denied a decent burial, Next came the makings of a party. An unopened can of Fosters and a Lions fruit cake sealed in its wrapper and box! Are they that bad? Most of our park junk was ancient while the road junk was distinctly modern.
Searching for junk in the bush Jenny came across what she thought was an old bicycle tyre. It proved to be a living tyre in the form of a Red-bellied Black Snake enjoying the sun and reluctant to move giving everyone very good views. Red-bellied Black Snakes are diurnal. They bear live young which are born in membranous sacs. The young emerge soon after birth and may number from 8 to 40. Black snakes grow
to 1.5 metres in length. Their food consists of frogs, reptiles and small mammals.

Fifteen members worked from 8.00 am until 1pm so lunch at Barnawartha Dam was welcome. After lunch and a meeting, Ranger John guided us around the walk planned for the south bound freeway stop. The walk takes in most habitats found in the park, wanders past some fenced mine shafts on the Attrey Reef, across a gully and around the dam to return to the rest area. When completed it should make a pleasant break for travelers, particularly in spring. An information board will be placed in the rest area explaining the special nature of the park.

From the meeting:
l.Incorporation is completed. A common seal has been purchased.
2.Election of office bearers and transfer of assets.
Mv.Jenny Reeve,sec. R. Sanderson that S.Bush be public officer. Crd.
Mv, John Reeve,sec J.Walsh that E.Collins be convenor. Crd.
Mv. E.Collins,sec T.Walsh that John Reeve be secretary. Crd. I
Colin Gould offered to be the publicity officer for 1995.
Signatories to the account: Judith Walsh, Pat Roe, Eileen Collins.
Mv.Jenny Reeve Sec.P.Seely that we accept all assets and liabilities of the old association and pass them to the Friends of Chilterrn Park Inc. and that Friends of Chiltern Park ceases to operate. Crd.
3.Letter of thanks sent to Rod Ambrose for dealing with the incorporation details,
4.John Reeve has made an attractive board to hold the meeting notes and notice of meeting date. It is for display in the Environment Centre. Thank you John.
5.The reserve area at the tip has been ripped in readiness for tree planting-when it rains.
6. Ranger John has applied for funding from Vic Roads to apply to the display board, He informed us that CNR historian David Benear has surveyed the historic sites in the area As a result of this survey Bartleys site is to be nominated for listing in the National Estate,
7.We have received a certificate from Clean Up Australia Committee recognizing our efforts in the 1994 clean up campaign.
8,The newsletter from the State Friends Group was tabled.
9.The peppercorn trees at Valley 2 to be trimmed and the branches to be stacked for removal by CNR.
10 Bruce Quin forwarded the permit for nest log work for 1995 along with the Atlas records for the 1994 observations.
11 .John Reeve spoke about the kangaroo survey. Interested persons please contact John on 060331 229.
12.Membership: This will be the final newsletter for those whose membership has lapsed.
13.Membership has reached 52 for 1995,
14.Reminder that the Regent Honeyeater conference is on March 16th at the Golf Club in Chiltern, There are no Regents around at present.
I 5.Dharnya excursion: there are still some vacancies on the bus.
On Sunday March 19th a group is visiting the Insectarium .
The Insectarium is situated at Heathcote. The tour starts at lOam. We will leave Chiltern at 6.OOam, The cost of the tour is $8.50 per adult. Children $6.00. Participants tour the insectarium, the nearby Pink Lake to observe insects in the wild and a worm and yabby farm. A group booking has been made. Anyone wishing to join the tour contact 057 261 484 for further details,
The afternoon activities will depend upon the weather, After tea there will be a frog hunt at Greenhill Dam and some spotlighting.
BRING: Lunch, tea, rake, shovel, gloves, secateurs.
1fyou are coming after lunch phone/or details of activity 057 261 484

Please find enclosed mv membership fee of $10
This amount covers the period from .lanuary 1 995 until June 1996.
The fee covers the whole family.
NAM I,,…,…,.,,,..,,,,.,.,, PHONE……………
ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Renewal of your membership is vital to our cause,
Thank you for caring.


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