Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #308 August 2021

Dear Friends,

A recent COVID-19 lockdown in regional Victoria precluded having a field day in early September.

Hopefully, we will be able to have one in October should the current limit of 10 for outdoor gatherings still apply.


Unusual Find – Caladenia carnea – Eileen Collins


Jan Heywood found this pure white form of Pink Fingers (Caladenia carnea) while on a bush walk.

Thinking it may be an albino form, I sent it to Gary Backhouse, author of “Bush Beauties” for an opinion.

He kindly gave this explanation.

This condition is called ‘hypochromism’, a genetic abnormality where the stronger colour pigments are variably lost, leaving the underlying paler colour pigments.  It occurs in many genera of terrestrial orchids but seems to be most common in Caladenia.  Often a little bit of colour is left but occasionally all stronger colour is gone, like in the picture. These are incorrectly called albinos, but as the leaf is still green, the plant is not a true albino, as the leaf would be white as well.

1. Caladenia carnea Pink Fingers - white form - (Jan Heywood)


2. Caladenia carnea (EC)

Pink Fingers – Caladenia carnea – white form and typical pink form

Photos: Jan Heywood (left) and Eileen Collins (right)


Yellow Admiral – Vanessa itea – Eileen Collins


Jan Heywood’s keen eye spotted this aberrant colour form of a Yellow Admiral butterfly that had white wing patches instead of the usual yellow patches. Note how Jan’s specimen shows very worn wing edges.


3. Yellow Admiral White form Jan Heywood

4. Admiral, Yellow - Vanessa itea (Nymphalidae) (Neil Blair)


5. Admiral, Yellow - Vanessa itea (Nymphalidae) (Neil Blair)

Yellow Admiral Butterfly – Vanessa itea – white-winged form and typical yellow-winged form

Photos: Jan Heywood (upper left) and Neil Blair (upper right and lower)

Grasslands Block 2018 and 2021 – Neville Bartlett

On the 4th and 5th August 2018, the Friends group planted 4,000 trees and shrubs on the Grasslands Block. The work was organised by Trust For Nature and funded by Birdlife Australia as part of a program of habitat regeneration for Regent Honeyeaters. Jan Palmer brought along a planting machine and we all rolled up our sleeves in order to keep “Tiger Scrub” fed with plants.

6. Friends (3836) (NB)


7. Friends (3851) (NB)

Planting on 4th and 5th August 2018 – Photos: Neville Bartlett

8. Friends (3853) (NB)

It had been a relatively dry year with 199mm up to the year up to the end of July 2018.  In the years that followed the corresponding rainfall was 302mm in 2019, 495mm in 2020 and 511mm in 2021. Concerns about the dry conditions at the time of planting were quickly allayed by significant downpours in late December 2018 and early May 2019. With about a seventy percent survival rate and rapid growth, the block looks sensational this year.

9. Grasslands Block (0847) (MW)

A panoramic view of the planted area showing the rapid growth – Photo: Mick Webster


Recent images of the planted area – Photos: Neville Bartlett (left) and Mick Webster (right)

10. Friends (6229) (NB)


11. Grasslands reveg (MW)

Friends 2022 Calendar – images please

For some years now we have produced a calendar and there is enthusiasm for us to have one again for 2022. This means that we require images of the park, its flora, fauna and human history. We have previously featured our iconic species and well-known locations, so now it is time to showcase other possibilities. Eileen Collins, Jennifer Davidson and Helen Carse have agreed to act as judges for what gets included, so now we are inviting submission of images.

We are looking for images of scenes, rock formations, water falls, birds, animals, insects, fungi, flora, ruins,

So, if you have any images or suggestions for images, please let us know. We may not have much chance to obtain new images but that simply encourages everyone to look for existing images with fresh eyes.

Thank you very much to those have already provided some images but more are needed.

The deadline for images and suggestions is the end of September (preferably earlier) so that we have time to get the calendar prepared, sent to the printer and available by mid-November.


Rainfall    August 2021:  45 mm. Total for year-to-date 2021: 556 mm. In 2020 we had 567 mm up to the end of August.

The average annual rainfall for Chiltern is 689 mm.


We usually hold our AGM early in September, but this year’s AGM has been deferred until at least November and may be conducted via Zoom if necessary.

It is hoped to have a field day on Sunday week but that depends on the restrictions that apply for regional Victoria.

Any activity will be advised a few days beforehand and will depend on the weather forecast and the prevailing COVID-19 restrictions.

Dates for 2021-22


For 2021: Sunday 3rd October, Saturday 6th November and Sunday 5th December.

For 2022: Sunday 6th February, Saturday 5th March, Sunday 3rd April, Saturday 7th May, Sunday 5th June, Saturday 2nd July, Sunday 7th August, Saturday 3rd September, Sunday 1st October, Saturday 5th November and Sunday 4th December.

Rule of Thumb: For even months, the field day is held on the first Sunday of the month and for odd months, it is held on the first Saturday of the month.

Membership – It’s time to renew

Membership expired on June 30th 2021. Thank you to all who have taken out membership this year. We hope you will continue your support.  Friends have achieved a great deal during the past few years. Surveys for plants, birds and monitoring, maintaining and surveying mammal boxes, tree planting, weed control and provision of brochures, interpretive signage and park furniture are just some of our contributions. Your support for our activities is valued and your membership renewal is important to our cause.

Please ensure your contact details are current.

Please find enclosed my membership of $15 for 2021-22. The fee covers the whole family and includes 11 newsletters.

Name:…………………………………………………………………………………….. Telephone:……………………………………

Email:…………………………………………………………………………………….. Receipt required: Yes / No

Address:…………………………………………………………………………………… Postcode: ……….

If you wish to use electronic payment the details are:

Account Name: Friends of Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park

Bank: WAW Credit Union Co-operative Ltd (Cuscal Limited)

BSB number: 803070

Acc number: 81167

Please add your surname to the transaction.

Please advise treasurer, Tony (Email:, when you have made the payment to help us keep track of payments.

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