Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #320 September 2022
President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239
Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer:
Newsletter: Neville Bartlett:
Dear Friends,
September field day report – Helen Carse
The field day went well with 17 people attending. We planned an easy 2-3 km walk in a loop from the Honeyeater picnic area, however after ambling for a couple of hours we had only walked about a kilometre so returned to the picnic area for morning tea at 11.30am.
Thanks to Jenny for leading the walk and thanks to her and Neil for sharing their knowledge on the local flora. The information provided was interesting and helpful in assisting members of the group to identify different species. There are a number of orchids blooming at this time, including Nodding Greenhoods, Blunt Greenhoods, Dwarf Greenhoods and Maroonhoods. Ira spotted a Leopard orchid in full flower and Neil was able to show a number of the group two Helmet Orchid species.
Although there were not that many birds spotted, especially as most of us were looking down not up. Red Wattle Birds were the dominant species but a pair of Brown Treecreepers were spotted gathering nesting material and entering a tree hollow.
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Photos: Margaret Considine
Dusky Fingers (Caladenia fuscata) Photo: Neil Blair
Slaty Helmet-orchid (Corybas incurvus) Photo: Neil Blair
Blue Fairy (Cyanicula caerulea) Photo: Neil Blair
Blunt Greenhood (Pterostylis curta) Photo: Neil Blair
Leopard Orchid (Diuris pardina) Photo: Neil Blair
Nodding Greenhood (Pterostylis nutans). Photo: Neil Blair
Thanks again to Jenny and Neil and to all those who attended for making it a very pleasant outing.
Olive Leaf Lace Bug – Froggatta olivina – Eileen Collins
The native Mock Olive, Notelaea longifolia, is the natural host of this native Lace Bug..
Yellowing leaves on introduced olive trees may reveal the presence of this sap sucking bug.
The accompanying photographs illustrate the damaging effects of an infestation on feral olives.
The tiny black eggs are laid on the underside of the olive leaves from May to June. Hatching takes place in September and October and the nymphs go through five stages of growth before becoming winged adults.
Heavy infestations along with stressful conditions may kill young trees.
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Dorsal and ventral view of an Olive Leaf Lace Bug. Photos: Neil Blair
The effects of infestation on feral olives. Photos: Jan Palmer
The spread of this invasive species to cultivated olives is of concern to olive producers.
Natural predators include Ladybird species, Assassin Bugs and Green Lacewings.
More detailed information may be found at:
Images Needed for the 2023 Calendar
There is still time to submit images of the Park, flora, fauna and other creatures to be considered for the 2023 calendar. Once again we expect to have a small panel of judges who will decide which images will make up the final selection. Images can be any aspect of the Park and the nature to be found in it.
The field is wide open as we have featured most of the iconic aspects of the Park in previous years.
There is of room for novel images that capture less well known places and things.
If you have seen particular images, taken in the Park, that have been shown on Facebook or elsewhere, that you particularly like, then please encourage the photographer to submit them for consideration.
If you have any questions, or comments, then please contact us.
2022 AGM
The 2022 AGM has been deferred slightly this year and will now take place at the usual time on Saturday 5th November 2022. It is hoped that it will take the usual format of an afternoon walk followed by a dinner, the AGM and a guest speaker.
The walk is likely to be in the Pine Road area and our guest speaker will be Dr. Damian Michael of the Institute of Land, Water and Society at Charles Sturt University. Dr. Michael’s expertise includes rocky outcrop (inselberg) ecology and applied herpetology.
Some of our committee members and office bearers will be standing down this year and we are looking for people to take their place. This is a great opportunity for you to become more involved in a group that has made a difference in the Park over nearly 40 years.
August 2022: 32 mm. Total for year-to-date 2022: 668 mm.
In 2021 we had 556 mm up to the end of August.
Winter 2022 total – 235mm compared with winter 2021 total – 259mm.
The average annual rainfall for Chiltern is 689 mm.
Our October activity will be a wildflower walk combined with wildflower photography
for those interested in this aspect.
Bun will be provided as usual.
You may need: sturdy shoes, warm clothes, water and maybe a snack.
Photographers: bring the camera gear that you would like to use (including mobile phone).
Meet at the Chiltern Post Office at 09:00am.
Upcoming field days:
Sunday 2nd October 2022: wildflower walk and wildflower photography.
Saturday 5th November 2022: reptile walk, dinner, AGM and reptile talk.
Sunday 4th December 2022: end-of-year gathering in the late afternoon/evening.
Dates for 2022-23
For 2022: Sunday 2nd October, Saturday 5th November and Sunday 4th December.
For 2023: Sunday 5th February, Saturday 4th March, Sunday 2nd April, Saturday 6th May, Sunday 4th June, Saturday 1st July, Sunday 6th August, Saturday 2nd September, Sunday 1st October, Saturday 4th November and Sunday 3rd December 2023.
Rule of Thumb: For even months, the field day is held on the first Sunday of the month and for odd months, it is held on the first Saturday of the month.
Membership – It’s time to renew
Membership expired on June 30th 2022. Thank you to all who have taken out membership this year. We hope you will continue your support. Friends have achieved a great deal during the past few years. Surveys for plants, birds and monitoring, maintaining and surveying mammal boxes, tree planting, weed control and provision of brochures, interpretive signage and park furniture are just some of our contributions. Your support for our activities is valued and your membership renewal is important to our cause.
Please ensure your contact details are current.
Please find enclosed my membership of $15 for 2022-23. The fee covers the whole family and includes 11 newsletters.
Name:…………………………………………………………………………………….. Telephone:……………………………………
Email:…………………………………………………………………………………….. Receipt required: Yes / No
Address:…………………………………………………………………………………… Postcode: ……….
If you wish to use electronic payment the details are:
Acc Name: Friends of Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park
Bank: WAW Credit Union Co-operative Ltd (Cuscal Limited)
BSB number: 803070
Acc number: 81167
Please add your surname to the transaction.
Please advise treasurer, Tony Murnane (Email:, when you have made the payment to help us keep track of payments.