Friends of Chiltern Park Newsletter  No.4  October 1993

Dear Friends,

Thirty-two members, including nine junior members, met at Bartley`s Brewery site in September. Once again the weather was perfect. Our guest for the meeting was Glen Johnson, Flora and Fauna Guarantee Officer from DCNR. On a walk through the park Glen helped us to identify the main plants and appreciate the different habitats as we walked through them. This record by one of our junior members sums up the activities of the day. Thank you Serena.    

Glen at Bartleys Block 1993


Sarinas report

Further work on the weed Caper Spurge removed this season`s seed heads. After an enjoyable lunch Glen showed a variety of reference books for identification of plants and animals. A comprehensive folder of record sheets for flora and fauna reports plus a selection of park maps has been provided for Friends to use.

 From the meeting:    

Next meeting date October 17th at Cyanide Dam. Wangaratta F.N.Club to join us.    
December: BREAKFAST meeting, Sunday 5th, 8am Cyanide Dam.  

January meeting to be a camp over, with evening tea. Activities : spotlight walk and stagwatch. Details later.    

OCTOBER MEETING   Cyanide Dam  This gathering demonstrated how the skills of those present made the day profitable  for everybody. The Wangaratta Field Nats combed the bush for special plants and helped people to identify the many pea flowers. Those who preferred manual labour eradicated Pepper trees, Thistles, Dock, Briar Rose and any other weed daring to be present. They were laid out and labelled by Patrick as an identification exercise.     Recent heavy rain damaged the retaining rock wall at the dam outlet. This was  repaired. Thanks to all who undertook these activities and to John for organising the "crew". The area around Cyanide Dam has been vastly improved by DCNR and the activities of Friends.  Friends are encouraged to use their recognition skills to note locations of weed patches and record them for future spraying. If there are only a few plants they could be removed on the spot. Small Cootamundra Wattles, for example,are easily pulled out.  After lunch a group went off to monitor some nest log sites, others went for a drive,some went to look at the Regent Honeyeater nest, the rest went for a bush walk.  Inspection of the Genista Broom patch revealed numerous seedlings.   These were removed. The site will need to be monitored until the end of November. Unfortunately another large patch has been located on the  Howlong Rd. This will be sprayed by CNR. Friends will need to clean up  the edges to remove all seedlings.  Testimony to the warm day was the Red-bellied Black snake basking in the  drain on Cyanide Road. Very active were the Bulldog Ants that made life  uncomfortable for Patrick and Jesse.  Many birds were easily observed around the dam, Treecreepers and Yellow Robins were almost tame and an Olive-backed Oriole chose a branch overhanging the entrance track in which to build its nest. 

From the meeting 

1. The account for the Wildflower books has been paid in full. 

2. Two diaries and one large wildflower book remain to be sold. 

3. Next meeting Saturday November 13  at Bartley`s with lunch at Valley No.2 Dam.

4. Congratulations were extended to Glen Johnson and Maria on the birth of Tessa Louise 

5. Barnawartha Landcare group hope to plant a large number of trees in the autumn. Members agreed to offer assistance. The trees will form corridors from the Park to the Murray River flats. 

6. Nest Logs: Volunteers to do inspections before the November meeting please contact me. 

7. Bruce Quin extends his thanks to all who assisted with the nest log project. 

8.Frog Talk. Ivor Graney will present a "slide and calls" show at The Centre in Wangaratta during February or March. If you wish to learn more about frogs keep this talk in mind.Details later.    

Thanks to all who attended the September and October gatherings. Hope to see you all at BARTLEY`S on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 13TH at 9.00am where we will keep up the good work.    


Grey-crowned Babblers have been seen in the park close to the Ryans Rd/Howlong Rd intersection. This bird is threatened with extinction in Victoria.  Eileen.    

NOTES  From Victorian National Parks Association’Fence Project’

Launch at Koonda Flora Reserve, near Violet Town. A workshop to acquire fencing skills and to set up fencing volunteer network. If you are interested in fencing and conservation of remnant native vegetation this could be for you. Details 057 261 484 

From Minister Conservation and Environment  :

Volunteer Work in National Parks  Attention Tertiary Students: If you are interested in volunteer work during the summer holiday the National Parks Service staff have created a wide range of activities. The only cost involved is $40 as a contribution towards food. Please ring 057 261 484 for further details.    

Interesting Birds from September/October meetings 

   Turquoise parrot           Restless Flycatcher       Pallid cuckoo    Musk Lorikeet  Mistletoe-bird   Grey Fantail 

Noisy Friar-bird           Little Friar-bird Brown flycatcher          Olive-backed Oriole      White-browed Babbler  

Black-chinned Honeyeater      White-naped Honeyeater          Regent Honeyeater  Peaceful Dove  

Rufous Songlark          Little Cuckoo-shrike     Swift Parrot {September}          Diamond Firetail    

Interesting Plants–October 

Showy Podalepis          Hooded Caladenia        Yellow Wedge-pea      Twining Fringe-lily 

Salmon Sun-orchids              Cupped Bush-pea        Showy Parrot-pea        Narrow-leafed Bitter-pea         Austral Indigo   Austral Grass-tree, in flower on the Cyanide Dam walking track.    

Useful Reference Books for Flora and Birds 

Field Guide to the Native Peas, Dorothy Woolcock. Anyone wishing to purchase this may like to contact me as I may be able to get them at a substantially reduced price. 

Field Guide to Australian Orchids, M.Hodgson and R.Paine, Published by Angus and Robertson. 

Field Guide to Victorian Wattles, F. J. C. Rogers 

Trees of Victoria, an Illustrated Field Guide, L.F.Costermans 

Native Trees and Shrubs of South-eastern Australia, Leon Costermans 

Field Guide to Australian Birds, Simpson and Day



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