Dear Friends

A cold south westerly wind greeted us for the October meeting but did not deter us from enjoying the park. Accompanied by visitors from Ballarat Field Naturalists’ Club we had a most interesting afternoon. Surprisingly most of the Diuris pardina had faded yet we were still able to find good specimens of both Pterostylis curta and nutans.. Twining Fringe-lilies were abundant and Creamy Candles carpeted the ground in some spots. Our walk took us to the Reference Area at the eastern edge of the park. The ground was extremely wet, with water trickling down the banks at the edge of the track. It is four years since the ground in that area has been so wet. There were lots of White-bellied and Black-faced Cuckoo Shrikes which didn’t seem to appreciate each others presence. Several beautifully coloured Sacred Kingfishers were spotted basking in the sunshine. Apart from the resident honeyeaters birds were generally scarce.
At 5pm we retired to the Senior Citizens Hall to prepare for the evening part of the meeting. Everyone was ravenous after the afternoon walk so it was with great pleasure that we sat down to a magnificent meal prepared for us by Ann Sutton.
The AGM was brief , the Annual Report and Financial Statement and were presented and accepted. There was no general business. Positions were vacated and the following office bearers were elected. Convenor: E. Collins, Secretary; Scott Jessup, Committee Members: Barry Traill, Neville Bartlett, Philip Seely and Vito Conticchio. Public Officer: Susie Duncan.
Following the meetings our member and guest speaker, Jim Blackney, presented a very informative talk on his work with Trust For Nature and Land for Wildlife. Jim presented graphic evidence of the decline of our woodlands and the species, both plant and animal, that depend upon them. Landholders with remnant vegetation are being given assistance to protect and enhance their land through subsidised fencing and provision of trees. Future protection for the remnant vegetation is being encouraged through the covenanting of properties. Jim’s work in the north-east is producing some pleasing results and raises awareness of the need to protect what is left of this precious ecosystem. We congratulate Jim on his achievements for the environment.
Ironbark Festival October 15th
John McDonald will be providing a tent for the Parks Victoria display. Friends are asked to assist in manning this tent and selling Friends merchandise. Tent erection will be at 8.30am. Most activities begin around 10.00 am. Please assist if possible.
Barnawartha Road: This task has been completed. It was good to see there has been a good deal of natural regeneration on the site following the spring rains.
Monument Hill Parklands Association inc extends an invitation to Friends to the launch of their book “Bush Invaders” on Friday 20th October at Monument Hill, Albury. Time: 11.30am followed by a sausage sizzle.
if you are attending please ring Sue Brunskill on 03 5728 7285.


Trip to Hattah National Park November 3rd-7th, Cup Weekend.
We will be staying at Ouyen Caravan Park. Anyone wishing to join the weekend is welcome.
Facilities at Ouyen include cabins, on-site vans, campsites and a camp kitchen.
Caravan Park Phone number is 50 921 426 if you wish to make a booking.


Tea at Depot Dam at 6pm to be followed by an evening walk to look for Curlews, Apostle Birds and Grey-crowned Babblers. BYO everything.

This is the final newsletter for unfinancial members. Your label will bear a pink stripe if you are unfinancial.
Membership stands at 65 persons. Thanks to all who have rejoined and supported the group this year. Eileen.

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