Convener: E.Collins 057 261 484

Newsletter No. 3 – 30th August 1993


Dear Friends, This newsletter covers the July and August meetings. 


Washed out gully2

The July Sedge “Transplant” day was extremely productive. Fifteen members lifted, divided and replanted the Tall Sedge, Carex appressa, into an eroded gully.

 Planting out the sedge

Stabilizing work undertaken by C.N.R. staff was followed by heavy rain, which provided boggy conditions for the new plants. By the amount of blood that flowed from hands and fingers, this sedge could be renamed Razor Sedge.

A large bare area of ground nearby was covered with barrow loads of forest mulch. Both the Sedge area and the mulched area are showing signs of plant growth.

Filling the overflow2

 Bruce Quin delivered the hollow logs and showed a sample of a completed log ready for siting at the August gatherings. After lunch and a brief meeting a group went off to de-seed a privet patch.

From the meeting:

1. Congratulations to Bob and Bev on the birth of their third child, baby Roy, and our newest member.

2. A savings account is to be opened at the Commonwealth Bank, Chiltern. Signatories to be E. Collins and P. Roe.

3. The September meeting date is Sunday the 12th of September. It is to be held at Bartley’s Paddock on the Howlong Road. Glen Johnson, the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Officer will attend. An invitation has been extended to Beechworth Environment Group to join us for this day.


Plant identification and a review of the Bartley site to locate regrowth of the weed, Caper spurge. Lunch: At Bartley’s Block. The AUGUST weekends were a great success socially, educationally and labour wise! An eager group of forty members, along with visitors from Melbourne and Beechworth, turned out for the this weekend. This ensured that all the nest logs were in place in the first two days – well ahead of schedule. Bruce Quin and his father Kelvin returned to Melbourne on Sunday night exhausted, but satisfied. The second weekend was devoted to mapping the log locations, clearing up some ancient rubbish, and removing a patch of Montpellier Broom ( Genista ) near the Pioneer Cemetery. This latter task was attacked with great vigour by one John Reeve, who wielded a shovel with deadly accuracy to sever the taproots. The offsiders constructed the funeral pyre. Ranger John will perform the service in the near future. A job well done.

Looking back 1993 the logs

Sincere thanks go to everyone who contributed to the nest log venture. To those who supplied equipment and expertise, and to Bruce Quin and Kelvin for the organisation. Special thanks to Len Robinson, of Melbourne for his generous donation of the 75 logs, and to Bruce, Kelvin, John and Jenny for getting them to Chiltern. Since bottomless logs are not frequented by Turquoise parrots they ‘ needed bases. John Reeve undertook this task, and did a great job. Thank you John, from ail of us, and the Turquoise parrots. Incidentally John has received his reward – he found that some logs had been chewed by some appreciative Turquoise.

Nest Log Photo

Looking back 1993 the logs

Notes from the August meeting.

1. CHRISTMAS. i) Christmas lunch or ii) Christmas breakfast – the best time of the day in hot months. Suggested dates are the 5th or 11th of December.

2. Ideas for future meetings. a) Hot months – evening tea, walk, spotlighting. b) JanlFeb – evening tea, walk, stagwatching. Stagwatching is simply observing an old dead tree at dusk to see what emerges from it.

3) That we have a large sign to erect where we work or gather. Sarina Walsh will organise this project.

4) Future meetings, activities, and dates were discussed. A tentative program for November and onward is attached. The September and October dates are definite.

5) There are copies of the Diary, and Wildflower books still to be sold.

6) CHILTERN PARK car stickers are available at $2 from Eileen or The Albury/Wodonga Enviromnent Centre. Proceeds go to the Fighting Fund opposing mining in the Park.

7) Tip Restoration. In the near future the Chiltern Shire will be relocating the tip. The present site is to be re-vegetated. Friends have agreed to assist with the re-vegetation.

A highlight of the August weekends was the nesting pair of Regent honeyeaters. Everyone had excellent views of the birds. A privilege indeed, for birdos travel long distances to see this rare and endangered species. Hopefully this nest will be successful. Four earlier nests were abandoned. Hope to see you all on September the 12th when we may be able to observe the Regents feeding their young. Thank you for two great weekends. Eileen

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