Friends fof Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 345 Dec 2024
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Newsletter 343 October 2024
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Newsletter 341 August 2024
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Newsletter 340 July 2024
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Newsletter 339 June 2024
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Newsletter 337 April 2024
Newsletter 336 March 2024
Newsletter 335 February 2024
Newsletter 334 December 2023
You can access higher resolution versions of these photos on the Friends Flickr website
Newsletter 333 November 2023
You can access higher resolution versions of these photos on the Friends Flickr website
Newsletter 332 October 2023
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #332 October 2023 President : Neil Blair: Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary: Treasurer/Newsletter Editor: Neville Bartlett – Email: Report on 3rd FOCMPNP public Spring Wildflower Walk 1st October 2023 – Neil Blair 18 people participated in this walk which started in the Chiltern section of the Park on a cloudy, […]
Newsletter 331 September 2023
President : Neil Blair: Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary: Treasurer/Newsletter Editor: Neville Bartlett – Email: September Frog walk, dinner, AGM and Frog talk We were treated to a frog walk by Dr Alexandra Knight that started at the picnic area at Chiltern Valley No 1 Dam and then progressed to the wet […]
Newsletter 330 August 2023
Newsletter No. 330 – August 2023 Website: August field day A glorious sunny day was most welcome indeed. The first task was to plant 20 more White Cypress Pines (Callitris glaucophylla) at the Northern end of the Rutherglen Natural Features Reserve. An earlier planting in 2022 had produced good results so it was time to […]
Newsletter 329 July 2023
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #329 July 2023 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN – MT PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: President: Vacant Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Website: Spring is on its way!Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) has started to bloom in the Park and it is a sign that spring is […]
Newsletter 328 June 2023
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #328 June 2023 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: President: Vacant Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Website: June field day It was a glorious sunny day and about 15 friends gathered at Chiltern Post Office and proceeded to Mt Ochtertyre Natural Features […]
Newsletter 327 May 2023
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: President: Vacant Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Website: May field day Four hardy souls met on a cold and damp day. The rain was sufficiently modest that we decided to continue to the Grasslands Block and plant 40 Spreading Wattle (Acacia genistifolia) plants. […]
Newsletter 326 April 2023
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: President: Vacant Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Website: April field day reports Thirteen Friends met on a bright Autumn day to audit the White Box Walk Track and check mammal nest boxes. Mick and Graeme went off to check the boxes on Donchi […]
Newsletter 325 March 2023
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Website: March field day at the Grasslands Block The attendees divided into groups that focussed on different parts of the block. One group visited the revegetation area in the North-eastern corner and weeded parts of the section […]
Newsletter 324 February 2023
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Newsletter No. 324 – February 2023 Website: February field day at Bartleys Block and the Rutherglen Natural Features Reserve The day started with a quick visit to Bartleys Block to check out the area where Blue Periwinkle (Vinca […]
Newsletter 323 December 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #323 December 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Christmas Gathering at the Grasslands Block – Neville Bartlett A group of us assembled at the top of the hill at the Grasslands Block for a Christmas get […]
Newsletter 322 November 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #322 November 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, Reptile Walk and Talk Searching near the summit of Mt Pilot Photo: Neville Bartlett After gathering at the […]
Newsletter 310 October 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #310 October 2021 Dear Friends, Due to COVID-19 restrictions for the size of outdoor groups, the October field day consisted of three separate wildflower walks with one led by Mick Webster in the Lancashire Gap Road area and the other two in the general area around the Honeyeater […]
Newsletter 311 November 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #311 November 2021 Dear Friends, Our November field day featured three activities that attracted an impressive roll-up. Mick Webster gave a short show-and-tell about the Wheel Cactus work and then led a small team off to Edorado to spread more infested cactus pieces into new areas. Wheel Cactus […]
Newsletter 312 December 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #312 December 2021 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, It is a long standing tradition that our December field day is a relaxed gathering late on […]
Newsletter 313 February 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #313 February 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, Over the last few years we have become accustomed to seeing dams such as Cyanide Dam and […]
Newsletter 314 March 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #314 March 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: ewsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, The weather forecast for our March field indicated showers but we proceeded anyway. Small groups were […]
Newsletter 315 April 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #315 April 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, The April field day featured two groups: (i) Bartleys Block bird walk and wattle planting, (ii) weed […]
Newsletter 316 May 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #316 May 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, The May field day activity, at the Rutherglen Natural Features Reserve, consisted of checking of mammal boxes, […]
Newsletter 317 June 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #317 June 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, The June field day activity was cancelled due to the wet weather. For the remainder of the […]
Newsletter 318 July 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #318 July 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends The July field day started with a gathering opposite the Chiltern Post Office where we met with […]
Newsletter 319 August 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #319 August 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends The August activity involved the long awaited planting at the Grasslands Block. This was part of a […]
Newsletter 320 September 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #320 September 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, September field day report – Helen Carse The field day went well with 17 people attending. We […]
Newsletter 321 October 2022
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #321 October 2022 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, October Field Days Starting at the Tuan Campground car park, we split into two groups with Neil […]
Newsletter 308 August 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #308 August 2021 Dear Friends, We have been very fortunate to have been able to have field days for most of this year and the limit of 10 people in a group has meant that a much wider variety of activities have taken place and allowed people to […]
Newsletter 309 September 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #308 August 2021 Dear Friends, A recent COVID-19 lockdown in regional Victoria precluded having a field day in early September. Hopefully, we will be able to have one in October should the current limit of 10 for outdoor gatherings still apply. Unusual Find – Caladenia carnea – […]
Newsletter 307 July 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #307 July 2021 Dear Friends, The July field day was cold and bleak but the rain held off. Two groups were formed with one group heading off to remove woody weeds in the Black Ball Mine Dam Bushland Reserve that is a small reserve on the outskirts of […]
Newsletter 300 Nov 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #300 November 2020 Dear Friends, An excellent last working field day for the year. Mick Webster led a group that went to Grasslands block and planted 30 acacia seedlings (A. aspera, A. pycnantha and A. paradoxa) around two of the dams, then had a leisurely morning tea with […]
Newsletter 301 Dec 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #301 December 2020 Dear Friends, 2020 has been a year that has taught us not to take some things for granted. The group has been affected by the various COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions, but the members who live in or near Chiltern have done a great job of […]
Newsletter 302 Feb 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #302 February 2021 Dear Friends, The February field day included a gathering at the Grasslands Block to check on the plantings that took place in August 2018 and during 2020. These plantings are doing well, and we took the opportunity to check two of the mammal nest boxes […]
Newsletter 299 Oct 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #299 October 2020 Dear Friends, Two groups were formed so that the numbers did not exceed 10. One group headed to Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam. Mick reports: Grass around hide cleared away, track along the dam was re-mowed, guards removed from dead plantings, nestboxes checked, thistles chipped, […]
Newsletter 298 Sept 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #298 September 2020 Dear Friends, This newsletter is much shorter than usual as the COVID-19 restrictions have necessarily impacted on how much could be done. However, thanks to the members who live in Chiltern, weeding has been carried out to the extent that I can report that the […]
Newsletter 296 July 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #296 July 2020 Dear Friends, July Field Day – Neville Bartlett A very foggy day greeted us as we arrived at Chiltern so two groups headed to different parts of the Park. One group had the objective of clearing the walking track at Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam […]
Newsletter 297 Aug 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #297 August 2020 Dear Friends, August Field Day – Neville Bartlett The August field day took place with the expectation of tighter COVID-19 restrictions being imminent and a few days later this proved to be the case. Once again, we formed two groups and headed to different parts […]
Newsletter 294 May 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #294 May 2020 Dear Friends, Now that the lockdown associated with coronavirus/COVID-19 is being eased, it is now permissible to visit the Park in small groups. It is great to go out into the Park once again and check how much has changed over the last few months. […]
Newsletter 295 June 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #295 June 2020 Dear Friends, Now that the lockdown associated with coronavirus/COVID-19 is being eased, it is now permissible to visit the Park in small groups and for our field days to re-commence with some restrictions. Banksia re-planting – Neville Bartlett As soon as COVID-19 restrictions eased at […]
Newsletter 293 April 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #293 April 2020 Dear Friends, With the continued lockdown associated with coronavirus/COVID-19, gatherings continue to be postponed until further notice. Exercise close to place of residence is still allowed and it is great to get reports from Chiltern locals. The Bitter Cryptandra (Cryptandra amara) is doing very well […]
Newsletter 303 March 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #303 March 2021 Dear Friends, The March field day took place on a pleasant sunny day and attracted an attendance of about 20 people as well as three rangers. Everyone was in high spirits anticipating a morning at the Rutherglen Natural Features Reserve. After a brief introduction of […]
Newsletter 304 April 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #304 April 2021 Dear Friends, The April field day was postponed by a week due to Easter and the weather was particularly cold. Twenty-three people gathered at the Chiltern Post Office and then moved to the Donchi Hill area off the Rutherglen Road. The first mammal box featured […]
Newsletter 305 May 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #305 May 2021 Dear Friends, The May field day was split into three groups with one group tackling weeds at Mt Ochtertyre Reserve and the other two groups conducting bird surveys. The Mt Ochtertyre group drove sheep out, repaired the fence and killed many weeds (mostly olives but […]
Newsletter 306 June 2021
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #306 June 2021 Dear Friends, The June field day was cold and damp, but two groups of 10 people ventured off to Bartley’s Block and the Mt Ochtertyre/Mt Ophir Reserves. The first group tackled weeds at Bartley’s Block with most effort expended on removing Caper Spurge (Euphobia lathyris). […]
Newsletter 291 February 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #291 Feb 2020 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, The intensity and scale of bush fires this season in such a diverse range of locations […]
Newsletter 292 March 2020
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #292 March 2020 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, With the outbreak of coronavirus/COVID-19, gatherings are now postponed until further notice. Some of us will […]
Newsletter 289 November 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #289 Nov 2019 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, November Field Day The attendees split into two groups with one proceeding to Bartley’s Block where […]
Newsletter 290 December 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #290 Dec 2020 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, December Gathering The gathering at the Honeyeater Picnic Area was always in doubt as rain and […]
Newsletter 287 Sept 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #287 Sept 2019 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, September Field Day and AGM The weather was not great but a hardy group ventured to […]
Newsletter 288 October 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter #288 Oct 2019 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK, Inc. President : Neville Bartlett Ph: 0412 399 239 Correspondence to: Tony Murnane Secretary/Treasurer: Newsletter: Neville Bartlett: Dear Friends, October Field Day The spring weather was lovely and the group divided into two teams. One […]
Newsletter 286 Aug 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 16 August 2019 Dear Friends, August Field Day The day started with a visit to the Cryptandra amara (Bitter Cryptandra) site off Rileys Road. This patch of Cryptandra is the only one in the Park and it is just coming into flower. As this species suffers from grazing […]
Newsletter 285 July 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 28 July 2019 Dear Friends, July Field Day Our July field day took place at the Grasslands Block. We started at the top of the block and inspected the plantings of Mountain Swainson-pea (Swainsona recta) where we observed some encouraging growth in one of the areas that was […]
Newsletter 284 June 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 284 June 2019 Dear Friends, The highlight of the last month has been the announcement, on the Queen’s Birthday holiday, that Eileen Collins has been awarded an Order of Australia Medal. The following forms part of the nomination and is a reminder of the breadth and depth of […]
Newsletter 283 May 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 283 May 2019 As May came along it welcomed us with some good rain after a very dry April (see details below). The May gathering at the Grasslands Block involved removing tree guards that were no longer needed. The planting in early August 2018 had been very […]
Newsletter 282 April 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 282 April 2019 As March came to an end it farewelled us with some good rain. The March gathering involved a visit to the Rutherglen Natural Features Reserve where we tackled the olives that have emerged or re-sprouted since our last visit. Approximately 200 plants were removed or […]
Newsletter 281 March 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 281 March 2019 Dear Friends, As predicted our March meeting day was very warm but that did not deter ten members from tackling the huge task of watering the grasslands plants. Thanks to Jason and Mick who supplied the 1200 litres of water and to all who brought […]
Newsletter 280 February 2019
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 280 February 2019 Dear Friends, Despite the heat a hardy group turned out for the first meeting for 2019. Several visited Bartley’s Block before moving on to Grasslands. At Bartley’s the usual targets were surviving the heat but not the diligence of the weeders. Seedling Vincas and […]
Newsletter 278 November 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 278 November 2018 Dear Friends, On a pleasantly cool morning after the heat of the past few days we gathered at Bartley’s Block to tackle the Vinca seedlings, Spurge and wild Garlic. The Vinca and Spurge seedlings are demonstrating their ability to germinate despite the dry conditions. […]
Newsletter 279 December 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 279 December 2018 Dear Friends, On a pleasant evening at Valley No 2 Dam picnic area we reflected our year’s achievements and enjoyed a picnic tea. The dam plus the bush setting brings a variety of birds to enjoy. Phillip listed seventeen species for the evening. A […]
Newsletter 276 Sept 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 276 September 2018 Dear Friends, On a balmy day after some rain we gathered with our guest, Sean Dooley, to spend a few hours at Bartley’s Block. The block was chosen as it provides a variety of habitats and often has interesting birds. Due to the very dry […]
Newsletter 277 October 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 277 October 2018 Dear Friends, There was plenty to do at Bartley’s Block on a pleasant morning of the first day of daylight saving. We were a small group of ten but what was achieved was excellent. Turquoise Parrot boxes were checked and given a coat of camouflage […]
Newsletter 268 December 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 268 December 2017 Dear Friends The heavy rains on the days prior to our December breakup caused us to make emergency plans for an indoor gathering. After inspection of the track into Valley No 2 and checking the radar, it was decided to make that our venue for […]
Newsletter 269 February 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 269 February 2018 Dear Friends Dear Friends, Our first meeting of 2018 saw eighteen Friends members gather at Bartley’s Block during a much needed break in the heatwave conditions. The usual culprit, Caper Spurge, was the target for the morning’s ramble over the site while Jan, armed with […]
Newsletter 270 March 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 270 March 2018 Dear Friends The March gathering of Friends involved refurbishing the cleared area at Bartley’s Block. This area was previously occupied by a large patch of Blue Periwinkle, Vinca major, that was rapidly expanding until it was sprayed and resprayed over a period of a year. […]
Newsletter 271 April 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 271 April 2018 Vale Roy Collins Roy Collins passed away on 17th April 2018 after a long illness. Roy’s life was commemorated at a funeral service in Albury on 23rd April followed by a gathering in Chiltern at which we all shared memories of this quiet achiever. In […]
Newsletter 272 May 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 272 May 2018 Dear Friends, The rain that fell a few days before our May meeting made conditions pleasant for our field day. We had a small working group but we achieved quite a lot and the slices of bun at morning tea were extra large! Many of […]
Newsletter 273 June 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 273 June 2018 Dear Friends, The welcome rains began on May 29th. Now we can look forward to some fungi and early orchids. This month we worked at the Rutherglen Natural Features Reserve checking nest boxes, the Swainsona recta plants, traversing the block seeking out olives and tidying […]
Newsletter 274 July 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 274 July 2018 Dear Friends, We took a gamble on the weather and it paid off despite the forecast being for cold showers. The nest box team had a good morning, with three boxes housing Sugar Gliders and four showing evidence of Tuan activity including one with a […]
Newsletter 275 Aug 2018
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 275 August 2018 Dear Friends, The weather gods were kind to us for the big planting days. Saturday was dry but very cold and windy and on Sunday morning we were greeted by a sunny day. In conjunction with Trust For Nature and Birds Australia, Friends agreed to […]
Newsletter 267 November 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 267 November 2017 Dear Friends Spring weather at last! This meeting’s activity saw thirteen of us have yet another Spurge Purge followed by a visit to the Agave pit. While Jan and Mick sprayed other weeds the rest of us systematically combed the spurge area. We have given […]
Newsletter 266 October 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 266 October 2017 Dear Friends On Sunday, the first day of daylight saving, our group had much pleasure hosting visitors from the Latrobe Valley Field Naturalists’ Club. For many of them it was their first visit to this part of the state. Despite the dry conditions […]
Newsletter 263 July 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 263 July 2017 Dear Friends, Not even a white, minus six July morning deterred our hardy team of workers. The reward for such a cold morning was a glorioulsy sunny day. Once more we had a “two bun” roll up so we divided into groups according to […]
Newsletter 264 August 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 264 August 2017 Dear Friends, Due to the forecast of adverse weather conditions the August meeting was cancelled. The meeting has been rescheduled for Saturday August 12th when hopefully we will get a fine day. In the meantime Parks Staff will be undertaking improvements to Tuan campsite area. […]
Newsletter 265 September 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 265 September 2017 Dear Friends, An enthusiastic group turned up for the September gathering and had it been normal day’s 9am start it would have been a two-bun day. Not so this time as short afternoon rambles and no work do not qualify. After introducing our guest Neville […]
Newsletter 262 June 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 262 June 2017 Dear Friends, A truly winter day with a minus 4 degree start followed by a calm sunny day greeted twenty one members and visitors for our workday at Rutherglen Natural Features Reserve. Seeing so many workers gathered at the post office a quick decision was […]
Newsletter 261 May 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 261 May 2017 Dear Friends, The day dawned a little overcast but soon turned into a glorious autumn morning for being in the bush. Twelve nest boxes were the target for the morning. One box was repaired and another which had mysteriously disappeared was replaced. Many boxes showed […]
Newsletter 260 April 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 260 April 2017 Dear Friends,April, and the weather was perfect! First task was to relocate two nest boxes along Depot Road. It was decided to trial one in our revegetation plot to see if any animals are using the site. The trees in the plots are now quite […]
Newsletter 259 March 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 259 March 2017 Dear Friends, The weather is keeping warm and dry and as one member put it, energy sapping. However it did not deter seventeen of us from nest box inspections and while in the process dodging the huge and tough webs of the Orb Weavers. Things […]
Newsletter 258 February 2017
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 258 February 2017 Dear Friends, Welcome to 2017. As I write this the mercury shows 43 degrees at 1pm. Fortunately the weather for our activity day on February 5th was acceptable after the heatwave of the previous week. Our working group of thirteen looked at the horrible, but […]
Newsletter 253 August 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 253 August 2016 Dear Friends, After a frosty morning the day was sunny, calm and perfect for our August park activities. Bartley’s block was the first stop and here we dealt with the emerging Caper Spurge. Very easy to pull out but devilishly hard to see amongst the […]
Newsletter 254 September 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 254 September 2016 Dear Friends, Spring turned on a glorious day for our afternoon walk on AGM day. After enjoying lunch at Honeyeater picnic areaWe took an afternoon amble along part of White Box Walk and Ballarat and Cyanide Roads. Our guest Rudie shared his orchid knowledge with […]
Newsletter 255 October 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 255 October 2016 Dear Friends, Sadly the proposed work for the October meeting was postponed at the last minute and many people were disappointed.However the day dawned bright and sunny and a few of us took advantage of the break in the rainy days to spend time wandering […]
Newsletter 256 November 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 256 November 2016 Dear Friends,Well what can I say about last Saturday’s weed demolition job at Chiltern Valley No 2 picnic area and the two plantations? Two weeks ago the grasses along the walking track and around the hide area were reasonably low and manageable.A visit there a […]
Newsletter 257 December 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 257 December 2016 Dear Friends, The weather has played tricks on our meeting days for the whole year so it was expected that our Christmas celebrations would be under threat. As we gathered happily on the ridge at grasslands and enjoyed the views and the wonderful spread of […]
Newsletter 247 February 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 247 February 2016 Dear Friends, Welcome to 2016 and the adventures of Friends for the year. On Sunday February 7th fourteen of us gathered at Bartley’s block where we inspected the Vinca infestation and the results of spraying. This is a very determined weed which has met a very […]
Newsletter 248 March 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 248 March 2016 Dear Friends, Despite the unpleasantly hot weather eight Friends turned out for a short day in the park. We split into two groups with one group tackling weeds and the other the nest boxes. Eight boxes were inspected and all contained leaf nests with one housing […]
Newsletter 249 April 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 249 April 2016 Dear Friends, The arrival of two Regent Honeyeaters at the caravan park changed our plans a little and it was unanimous that we go to inspect the site. Despite surrounding the magnificent flowering ironbark we left unfulfilled. However Lyn and Bill returned around 5pm and […]
Newsletter 250 May 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 250 May 2016 Dear Friends, Well we certainly dodged a rain bullet on the weekend, Saturday being the perfect autumn day and Sunday provided the long awaited autumn break. After the morning event, which Neville has recorded below, we spent the afternoon at the southern end of the block. […]
Newsletter 251 June 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 251 June 2016 Dear Friends, Good rains have heralded June’s arrival. Our target for Sunday’s World Environment Day gathering was to plant two hundred understorey plants at the redesigned Magenta Mine car park. We made a decision that any rain would not stop us. Amazingly not a drop fell […]
Newsletter 252 July 2016
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 252 July 2016 Dear Friends, Rain, polling day and very wet roads conspired to cause us to abandon the July meeting. If the weather improves we may have a mid-month attack on weeds and do some revegetation at Grasslands block. Meanwhile the wet and mild conditions in June […]
Newsletter 239 May 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 239 May 2015 Dear Friends,How lucky we were to have perfect weather for the mammoth task of reducing the Agave infestation. The task would have been extremely unpleasant under wet conditions. Eleven truly fantastic workers turned up to tackle the spread of this invasive plant Agave americana.Happily the […]
Newsletter 240 June 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 240 June 2015 Dear Friends, A break in the very cold spell of weather gave us a pleasant day for our work at the Rutherglen Natural Features Reserve. Twelve super active members turned out for the day. The recent rain rendered the soil perfect for planting. A hundred plus […]
Newsletter 241 July 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 241 July 2015 Dear Friends, The possibility of a bleak day did not deter fourteen keen members from descending upon Bartley’s Block for a “Purge the Spurge” session. The Caper Spurge had a resurgence thanks to the autumn rains and had spread into the woodland in the north of […]
Newsletter 242 August 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 242 August 2015 Dear Friends, Well, we were destined for a wet day and the rain duly arrived on Saturday and continued throughout the night and well into Sunday morning. 33mm fell in just over 24 hours. Did that stop our determined team? Certainly not. Seven of us took […]
Newsletter 243 September 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 243 September 2015 Dear Friends, Greeted by a beautiful sunny day eighteen of us gathered at Honeyeater Picnic spot to enjoy the offerings of spring .There was plenty to see as we made our way up towards All Nations Road from the carpark. The delicate white flowers of […]
Newsletter 244 October 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 244 October 2015 Dear Friends, An enthusiastic group set off to tackle the briars on the grassland block and to spray scattered patches of Freesias in the park and along the Howlong Rd through the park. The morning warmed up quickly and the briar killers certainly had the […]
Newsletter 245 November 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 245 November 2015 Dear Friends A sharp change in the temperature accompanied by a south westerly wind ensured good conditions for the day. Divided into two groups we set off for the morning’s work. The grassland block workers continued the attack on the briars and their work over […]
Newsletter 246 December 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP Newsletter 246 December 2015 Dear Friends Summer weather returned with a vengeance for our Christmas tea meeting at Valley No 2 picnic spot. The afternoon sun dropped into the western sky and the gum trees provided dappled shade as everyone gathered for the evening. After some bird watching, conversation and […]
Newsletter 237 March 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Newsletter 237 March 2015 Dear Friends,Autumn brought with it the demise of the long period of humidity and good weather for tackling the olive infestation. Our working group of ten split into groups of two and under Mick’s direction we attacked our allotted areas. Steep gullies and slippery […]
Newsletter 238 April 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Newsletter 238 April 2015 Dear Friends,On a pleasant autumn day fourteen members turned up to our delayed April meeting. The main activity was nest box monitoring, while some went to check on last year’s Cootamundra Wattle site to look for new plants and others went to the Rutherglen […]
Newsletter 234 November 2014
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Newsletter 234 November 2014 Dear Friends, A small but determined group braved the wet conditions to continue the attack on the olive infestation in the reference area. Of course as soon as lunchtime came the sun came out. Since everyone was rather wet and uncomfortable a quick meeting […]
Newsletter 235 December 2014
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Newsletter 235 December 2014 Dear Friends,The weather threatened to end our year as it begun, wet! However the showers fell elsewhere and eighteen members and Ranger Brian enjoyed a special late afternoon and evening gathering to close the year. We welcomed members Pat and Ewen from Melbourne who […]
Newsletter 236 February 2015
Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Newsletter 236 February 2015 Dear Friends, Welcome to year 2015! January has been unusually cool and wet but it seems we may be paying the price for the comfort in the form of a very warm and dry February with the temperatures forecast to be in the 40’s […]
Newsletter 233 October 2014
Dear Friends, Sunday October the 5th was a disastrous day if you happened to be an olive! Mick had been very busy in the previous two weeks mapping the olive infestations in the Reference Area ready for an all out attack on these dreadful plants. The Reference Area is not often visited as it was […]
Newsletter 231 August 2014
Newsletter No. 231 August 2014 Dear Friends,Greeted by a very frosty but sunny morning we set off to cover as many nest boxes as possible, as we needed to catch up with monitoring which has been restricted due to the wet meeting days. Over six sites we inspected nineteen boxes, eight of which contained sleeping […]
Newsletter 232 September 2014
Newsletter No. 232 September 2014 Friends on Facebook Dear Friends, On a glorious spring afternoon everyone enjoyed a walk along All Nations and Cyanide Roads. Despite the dry conditions there were orchids, peas and shrubs flowering for our enjoyment. Donkey Orchids, Diuris pardina, and tiny Dusky Caladenias, Caladenia fuscata were abundant. Yam […]
Newsletter 230 July 2014
Dear Friends,The run of wet meeting days continued for July. Three of us braved the drizzle and achieved our task for the day by completing the planting around the hide at Valley No 2. We thought we would be filling in where shrubs had died but the plants there are thriving, particularly the White Cypress […]
Newsletter 229 June 2014

Newsletter No. 229 June 2014 Dear Friends,Once again the weather intervened and caused us to cancel our working day. A mid-month meeting has been scheduled for June 15th. Details below. Weeds in the Mt Pilot section of the park have been targetted in the past few weeks. Inkweed has been the main focus and […]
Newsletter 228 May 2014
Newsletter #228 May 2014 Dear Friends, Once again the weather intervened to cause cancellation of our May meeting so there is little to report for May. However the follow up rain was very welcome. All the dams and waterholes have been topped up. Fungi are appearing everywhere. Autumn Greenhoods are abundant. […]
Newsletter 227 April 2014
Newsletter 227 April 2014 Dear Friends, On a beautiful sunny April 6th eleven Friends ventured to the Rutherglen Block. Using a grid formation on the southern end of the block, the “disciplined” troops removed rubbish, hundreds of Olives, Olea europaea, by pulling and digging or cut and poisoning , and Bridal Creeper, Asparagus asparagoides. […]
Newsletter 226 March 2014
Dear Friends, After a very hot summer our year finally began on a pleasantly warm day on March 1st. There was plenty to do and discuss so morning tea and lunchtime was a time to relax and enjoy meeting up again. At Frogs Hollow we removed some Genista which had taken advantage of the […]
Newsletter 225 February 2014
Dear Friends, Welcome to 2014. Summer made its presence felt in January with temperatures well into the 40’s. As I write there is some relief from the threat of fires as a band of heavy rain lies over us. I can now tell you we had 26mm, surrounding areas did a little better than Chiltern […]
Newsletter 224 December 2013
Dear Friends Summer is well and truly with us. It is very dry and so far all the rain fronts have passed us by. 2013 has been a very busy and productive year for our group with members giving generously of their time to the many projects. It has been pleasing to see the park […]
Newsletter 223 November 2013
Newsletter 223 November 2013 Dear Friends, Summer is trying hard to arrive although we are still threatened with yet another late frost. Underfoot we found the ground cover dry and crispy as we made our way to nest box sites. This month the occupancy rates were much lower but we still had Squirrel […]
Newsletter 222 October 2013
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN MT-PILOT NATIONAL PARK inc Newsletter No. 222 October 2013 Correspondence to: Neville Bartlett, Secretary18 Barton Drive, Baranduda, 3691Newsletter: Eileen Collins: Dear Friends,A pleasantly warm sunny day greeted us for our October meeting so with luck on our side weatherwise we began a day of nest box checking. Of course […]
Newsletter 221 September 2013
Newsletter 221 September 2013 Dear Friends The weather gods shone upon us for the launching of the Bartley Historic Plaque, giving us one perfect day between many wet ones. It was pleasing to welcome six relatives of the Bartley family who travelled from Sydney and Cootamundra for the event. In his welcome address Neville gave […]
Newsletter 220 August 2013
Dear Friends, A fantastic group of planters made light work of getting 235 plants into the ground at the Frogs Hollow revegetation site. The weather was overcast and very nippy but everyone soon warmed up. Thankfully the rain fell the day before and after the event, sometimes we can be lucky. The dams at Frogs […]
Newsletter 219 July 2013
Dear Friends, After a month of frosts followed by mild sunny days some real wintry weather is upon us. However the scattered early flowering of the Golden Wattle provides some cheery colour and a promise of spring. One wattle stand that will not be providing winter cheer or autumn seeds will be […]
Newsletter 218 June 2013
Dear Friends, The rain of May 31st to June 1st has more than made up for one of the driest summer in years. Over the two days 106 mm has fallen, rather wet! However our Sunday meeting day turned out to be a glorious sunny day. We had shrubs to plant at the hide site […]
Newsletter 217 May 2013
Dear Friends,Sadly there has been no significant rain, just one or two millimetre drops to tease the senses.Even the dreaded Capeweed is suffering! So it was on a glorious May day that we enjoyed out work at Tuan campsite. The boundaries of the three enclosures were sprayed, and dead materials raked up. Emerging thistles and […]
Newsletter 216 April 2013
Dear Friends, Finally the rain arrived but gentle it was not! Over 60 mm fell in a very short time so did not soak in. A week later another 38mm and after a day or so the country took on a green tinge. Now we await the next fall to keep the bush fresh. […]
Newsletter 215 March 2013
Dear Friends While districts around us were fortunate enough to get some good rainfall here at Chiltern we managed a miserly 7.5mm. Hopefully when we do get a break the rain will come gently. The dry conditions did not stop weeds from thriving around the Tuan enclosure area. Around Depot Dam we found some […]
Newsletter 214 February 2013
Dear Friends, Welcome to 2013. What a welcome the weather has provided! Fire, flood, extreme temperatures and a very dry January. During January Parks staff erected the new gates at Bartley’s Block and Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam. The long grass at Tuan enclosure area was slashed. Quick action by Gordon in the […]
Newsletter 031 May 1996

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK Convenor E.Collins 060 261 484Newsletter No. 31 May 1996 Dear Friends,The much needed rain arrived on our last meeting day. On reflection we have had only twowet meeting days in three years and on both days we have accomplished part of our programme and shared lunch. This time we lunched at the […]
Newsletter 030 April 1996

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvenor E.Collins 057 261 484 NewsIetter No. 30 April 1996 Dear Friends,At last! National Park status for a Box and Ironbark forest. On behalf of Friends of ChilternPark a big thank you to everyone who contributed to the cause. I’m sure everyone endorses Minister Birrell’s remark, “This area has been crying out for […]
Newsletter 029 March 1996

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK INCConvenor: E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 29 March 1996 Dear Friends,On a magnificent Autumn morning we gathered at the tip reserve tree planting site to remove the guards and stakes from the 1994 Spring planting. 1500 trees were planted at this site and we managed to remove half of the […]
Newsletter 028 February 1996

FRIENDS OFCHILTERN PARK INCConvenor: ECollins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 28 February 1996 Dear Friends,After the summer recess we are gearing up to tackle 1996. Do I hear you say” whatsummer?” Well as I write this I can assure you it has arrived at last. Recent days have registered temperatures in the 30’s and higher […]
Newsletter 027 Decemeber 1995

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvenor: E. Collins 057 261 484NewsIetter No. 27 December 1995 Dear FriendsAs 1995 draws to a close Friends can look back over the year with considerable satisfaction. Although our membership increased the number of active members decreased for various reasons. The active members completed many projects the most demanding ones being […]
Newsletter 026 November 1995

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvenor E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 25 November 1995 Dear Friends, Members conducted a mass removal of Cootamundra Wattles from near Magenta Mine on Sunday November 5. The weather looked threatening as we set to work with chainsaw, bush saws and pruning saws, but it remained fine until mid-afternoon enabling the […]
Newsletter 025 October 1995

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK INCConvenor: E. Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 25 October 1995 Dear Friends,The revegetation project at the Chiltern Landfill area and the adjacent reserve is nowcomplete. A small band worked over the weekend of the October meeting to achieve the target. Thehillside should look fantastic in a few years time if the […]
Newsletter 002 June1993

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK Convenor: E.Collins 057 261 484 Newsletter No. 2 – June 1993 . Dear Friends, On a perfect sunny winter morning thirty-two people attended the first Friends gathering at ‘Bartley’s’ block on June 9th. A great start! After hearing one of our members, Rex Fugerelate the history of the Bartley […]
Newsletter 213 December 2012
Dear Friends The year 2012 was a productive year for our Friends’ group. On a perfect late afternoon in December we celebrated in style at Valley No 2 hide site with a wide variety of delicious food and great company.The dam was calm and beautiful in the setting sun with an absence of mosquitoes and […]
Newsletter 211 October 2012
Dear Friends, The day prior to our meeting was extremely wet with a fall of 38mm of rain. Our Sunday gathering at Chiltern Valley No 2 dam and later at Donchi Hill could not have been in more pleasant weather. Such is spring! More work was undertaken on the dam edge walking track […]
Newsletter 208 July 2012
Dear Friends, After a very heavy frost we were presented with a glorious sunny day as we worked at Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam. We were happy to welcome three members and two visitors from Melbourne who helped with the tasks at hand which included hoeing thistles around the hide, walking track maintenance, spraying and […]
Newsletter 209 August 2012
Dear Friends, We were pleased to welcome visitors from Melbourne to our August gathering. Many hands made light work of the feral plants along Pipeline Track as Cootamundra Wattles, English Broom, Cotoneaster and sundry other invaders were removed while a patch of bulbs was left to be sprayed. The Grevillea alpina plants along the open […]
Newsletter 210 September 2012
Dear Friends Celebrating National Wattle Day, an enthusiastic group enjoyed perfect weather, and the joys of a park awakening from its winter rest. Alan Gibb chatted about the various wattle species that were present. Six native species were found in a small block. These ranged from the tiny Ploughshare Wattle, its common name reflecting the […]
Newsletter 022 July 1995

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK INCConvenor:E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 22 July 1995 Dear FriendsDespite the early morning chill and mist a group of Friends turned out to lay anotherLoo metres of walking track at the freeway stop. Almost one hundred millimetres of rain had fallen since the first part of the track was laid in […]
Newsletter 001 June 1993
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvenor: E.Collins 057 261 484 Twenty-one persons attended the public meeting held in the Chiltern Golf Club rooms on May 24th for the purpose of reforming the Friends of Chiltern Park group. Nine apologies were tendered. Since the meeting I have received a further nine expressions of interest. It is evident that […]
Newsletter 021 June 1995

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK INCConvener: E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 21 June 1995Dear Friends,Two enthusiastic teams laid three-quarters of the walking trail leading from the Chiltern Park Rest Area on the Hume Freeway into the park. The trail winds through several habitat types, past mine shafts and around a large dam. The track is a […]
Newsletter 020 May 1995

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK INC.Convener: E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 20 May 1995 waxDear Friends,Good Autumn rain and a warm, sunny day provided excellent conditions for tree planting on Sunday May 7. Seventeen members planted over 500 trees into the prepared ground in just under three hours. As usual the younger members of the team […]
Newsletter 019 April 1995

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK incConvener:E.Coffins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 19 April 1995Dear Friends,Rain at last! Almost 25mm at the time of writing. The Regent Honeyeaters are back and the winter migrants are beginning to arrive. The trees in the park look very healthy despite the long dry spell but the understorey plants are very stressed. […]
Newsletter 018 March 1995

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK INCConvener E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No 18 March 1995Dear Friends, There’s not much exciting about collecting rubbish but Friends make their own fun! We found a couple of bodies, one old and rusted, at rest deep in the bush complete with tow bar, The other, more recently discarded, someone’s four footed friend […]
Newsletter 017 January/February 1985

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvener: E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. I 7 Jan/Feb 1995Dear Friends,Welcome to 1995. Let’s hope it will be a rewarding year for our group,The front page for this issue was drawn by Crystal, one of our enthusiastic younger members.our start to the year was fantastic. The camp-out at Cyanide got us off […]
Newsletter 016 December 1994

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvener: E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 16 December 1994Dear Friends,Breakfast at Cyanide Dam was enjoyed by seventeen members to close the 1994 programme.Highlights of the breakfast session were strawberries from Jenny and cherries from Judith topped off with a Koala in the treetops.Good times have to be paid for so it was […]
Newsletter 015 November 1994

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvener: E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No.15. November 1994Dear Friends,Chiltern Valley No.2 Dam was the venue for November. Showers and a cold wind kept us on the move. A bird count revealed few waterbirds but plenty of bush birds including good numbers of Turquoise Parrots. The total count was 28 species. Grey Kangaroos […]
Newsletter 014 October 1994

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvener E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No 14 October 1994Dear Friends,As we gathered at Donkey Hill picnic spot each of us became aware of the absence of spring birdsong, the scarcity of wildflowers and the general drab appearance of the park. My mind flashed back to the scene Rachael Carson painted in her […]
Newsletter 013 1994

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvener: E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter no. 13 September 1994Dear Friends,The park is feeling the effects of the extremely dry spell of weather which has been accompanied by unseasonably high temperatures. There is very little blossom on the Ironbark trees which has resulted in low numbers of many birds and absence of […]
Newsletter 012 August 1994

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvener: E. Collins. 057 261 484Newsletter No.12 August 1994Dear Friends,Cold south-westerly winds whipped the working place for the August meeting. However that didn’t deter the small band of willing workers who removed fruit trees, Lucerne trees and loads of ancient rubbish from an old house site near Magenta Mine. Ranger John has […]
Newsletter 009 May 1994

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK Convener: E.Collins 057 262 484 Newsletter No.9 May 1994 Dear Friends,A crisp sunny morning welcomed members at Bartley’s Block for the May meeting. We were pleased to have as our guest Tony Long, Manager for Lands, for the Murray Region.We began planning the interpretive trail. A plan of the brewery site and […]
Newsletter 008 March 1994
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK ,Convenor: E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 8 March 1994Dear Friends,Our “stag watch” efforts are not being rewarded! However the “possum prowl” more than made up for the lack of wildlife in the hollows.Fifteen members enjoyed a ‘bush ramble, some plant identification tests and bird watching. Although the Long-leafed Box is coming […]
Newsletter 003 August 1993
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK Convener: E.Collins 057 261 484 Newsletter No. 3 – 30th August 1993 Dear Friends, This newsletter covers the July and August meetings. The July Sedge “Transplant” day was extremely productive. Fifteen members lifted, divided and replanted the Tall Sedge, Carex appressa, into an eroded gully. Stabilizing work undertaken […]
Newsletter 011 July 1994

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARKConvenor: E.Collins 057 261 484 Dear Friends,The severe frosts at the end of June provided clear sunny days as a reward after freezing nights. Our July meeting was held in much milder weather. The warm winter sun greeted us at Bartley’s on July 2nd. Due to a variety of reasons this was […]
Newsletter 010 June 1994

FRIENDS OF CHILTERN PARK Convenor: E.Collins 057 261 484Newsletter No. 10 June 1994Dear Friends,World Environment Day coincided with our first birthday on June 5th. Twenty four members turned up at Bartley’ s Block to continue work on the interpretive trail. The foundations of the homestead are gradually reappearing along with the outline of […]
Newsletter 207 June 2012
The June 2012 Newsletter of Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park is now available Dear Friends, An overcast winter morning with threats of rain greeted our seven workers for the day. Our first task was to find and cull the Cootamundra Wattles on the Cemetery Bushland Reserve. These had exploded post the late 2009 […]
Newsletter 206 May 2012
The May 2012 Newsletter is now available Dear Friends, An early heavy fog lifted in time for us to enjoy some sunshine while we worked at the Tuan enclosures. They broad leaf weed spraying undertaken by Parks has halted the capeweed and nightshade growth. With a whipper snipper and a great operator the grass in […]
Newsletter 205 April 2012
The April 2012 Newsletter is now available Dear Friends, Our meeting day fell on April Fools Day and the first day after the end of daylight saving. Only one member got caught out and HE shall remain nameless. On a beautiful autumn morning it was a pleasure to be working at Chiltern Valley No 2 […]
Newsletter 204 March 2012
The March 2012 newsletter reports on the amazing conditions in the park following a massive rainfall event and the Best Friend Award to Eileen Collins. Dear Friends Summer has gone and the torrential rain has left its mark on many places. The park certainly took a drenching with many tracks badly scoured and quite a […]
Newsletter 203 February 2012

Dear Friends, Welcome to 2012 and I hope it will be rewarding for you all. The rainfall for December and January, although it spoiled the display of everlastings, kept the park looking quite fresh. The last week of January was the hottest for the month and was topped off by ~40mm of gentle rain. […]
Newsletter 202 December 2011

Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park December 2011 newsletter is now available Dear Friends, November’s weather has been strange. Almost tropical for a few days followed by unseasonaly cold nights. The December gathering began in early afternoon with five members checking three groups of nest boxes to do some catch-up monitoring. We […]
Newsletter 201 November 2011

The November 2011 newsletter as usual presents a comprehensive report on the wonderful conditions in the Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park and the upcoming Christmas meeting Dear Friends, Greeted by a very warm morning, our band of workers tackled the immense growth at the Tuan enclosures. The capeweed and thistles were targeted first then […]
Newsletter 200 October 2011

The October 2011 newsletter is a significant milestone being the 200th produced by the Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Dear Friends, Our October meeting was part of the Biodiversity Month activities for which we had eight very interested visitors from Queensland and Melbourne. The nest box checking proved a hit with […]
Newsletter 199 September 2011

Dear Friends, On a glorious spring day many friends and visitors had a superb day in the park with our guest Chris Tzaros, his wife Julie and delightful little son, Merlin, a budding birdo at almost three. The morning walk on Greenhill Road failed to turn up the hoped for Regents and in fact was […]
Newsletter 198 August 2011

The August 2011 newsletter reports on the July meeting of and ongoing activities of Friends and the upcoming Annual General Meeting and guest speaker Chris Tzaros Newsletter No. 198 August 2011 Dear Friends, Despite the showery weather a keen group assembled to tackle a stand of Cootamundra Wattles on the Pipeline easement. It took […]
Newsletter 197 July 2011

The July 2011 newsletter reports on the June meeting of Friends and the weed control activities and continuing great conditions for vegetation recovery Dear Friends, A cool and partly cloudy day heralded the end of a pleasantly warm week. However we soon warmed up as we tackled the olives along Mt Pleasant Road. […]
Newsletter 196 June 2011

The June 2011 newsletter reports on the favorable conditions in the park for flora,birds,insects and fungi and reminds members that membership renewal is due on June 30th Dear Friends The idyllic weather disappeared! A cold, grey but dry day greeted us but failed to spoil the activities. With the pole camera at the ready we […]
Newsletter 195 May 2011
The May 2011 newsletter is now available and provides news updates and reports of Friends activities and park flora and fauna. Dear Friends, Once again blessed with a glorious autumn day twelve of us attacked the weeds at Tuan Campsite and surrounds. The Nightshade is now in great piles for burning and the young crop […]
Newsletter 194 April 2011

Dear Friends,Another balmy autumn day greeted us for our April meeting. The plan to spray the thistles around the hide area was scrapped in favour of some physical work as members produced mattocks and hoes to eradicate the growth. Most of the thistles were fresh and without seed so we were able to pile it […]
Newsletter 193 March 2011

The March 2011 Newsletter reports on the ongoing work of Friends maintaining and enhancing Tuan Campground in the national park as well as reports from Eldorado, Stanley and details of the next meeting and an update on the Quarry on Skeleton Hill Dear Friends, A glorious day coupled with a large and energetic group waged […]
Newsletter 192 Feb 2011

The first newsletter for the year reports on the activities of the Friends group and the continuing wet summer which is promoting lots of fascinating flora and fauna Dear Friends, Welcome to 2011 and wishing all members a happy, healthy and interesting new year. February’s weather for the meeting day turned out to be quite […]
Newsletter 191 Dec 2010

The December 2010 newsletter reports on the official opening ceremony of the new bird hide at Chiltern Valley Dam No2, the December meeting and the state of the park in this wonderful wet spring and early summer. Dear FriendsFinally there was a dry sunny weekend! How did we pick it for the opening of the […]
Newsletter 190 Nov 2010

The November 2010 newsletter reports on record rainfall in October, the wonderful flora displays that are a result, the opening of the bird hide, birds currently around the park and lots more<p> Dear FriendsThe October rainfall totals set an all time record for Chiltern being the highest since records began in 1885. Such a fantastic […]
Newsletter 189 Oct 2010

Dear Friends The big wet continues with 130mm falling from the 12th to the 16th of October. A little dry spell would be most welcome. The park has responded to the rains with a splendid display of wildflowers and peas. For a pleasant drive take the Yackandandah Road and turn off at Tower Hill Road […]
Newsletter 188 Sept 2010

The September 2010 newsletter reports on the AGM held recently and the opening ceremony for the bird hide at Chiltern Valley No 2, an update on the nestbox modification and deployment and reports on the Mt Pilot part of the national park. Dear FriendsThe predicted heavy rain caused us to cancel our usual AGM afternoon […]
Newsletter 187 Aug 2010

The August 2010 newsletter advises of the proceedings of the July meeting, updates on annual rainfall for Chiltern and the forthcoming AGM in September Correspondence to:Neville Bartlett, Secretary 18 Barton Drive, Baranduda, 3691 Newsletter: Eileen Collins: Dear Friends Thankfully the weather forecast for Sunday was only partially correct and we were spared the strong […]
Newsletter 186 July 2010

The July 2010 newsletter reports on the nest box update process, the regent honeyeater 2010 release and the June Friends activity day Dear FriendsAfter a foggy miserable week the sun shone and the weather was perfect for Friends day. Our plan to tackle the replacement of the Slaughteryard Gap boxes looked like being scuttled after […]
Newsletter 185 June 2010

The June 2010 newsletter signals the beginning of winter and the autumn rains auger well for vegetation recovery. The proceedings of the May meeting are discussed and a feature article on brush tailed phascogales or tuans by Keith Cherry is published. Dear FriendsWelcome to winter and the changes it brings to the bush. If the […]
Newsletter 184 May 2010

The May 2010 newsletter reports on the May meeting of Friends and the progress of the 2010 Regent Honeyeater captive bred release program Dear Friends Much as we would have welcomed more rain we accepted another balmy autumn day to finish the bank planting at the hide site. Some of the grasses from the previous […]
Newsletter 183 April 2010

The April 2010 newsletter is now available and contains updates on the current conditions in the park, a report on the work completed at the last Friends activity day details of what is to be achieved at the next meeting. Dear Friends Early morning rain cleared and working conditions were pleasant for our planting at […]
Newsletter 182 March 2010

Dear FriendsPlease note: the website address has a slight change. The address now consists of the former name plus .au on the end ie Such welcome rain! It was kind enough to cease for just a day for our March meeting.Armed with all the usual nest-boxing gear we set out for the Grevillea Track […]
Newsletter 181 February 2010

Dear Friends Welcome to 2010 I hope it will be rewarding year for you all and kinder to the environment than past years. The extremely hot weather was interrupted by some really good rain so our February meeting was held in cooler but humid conditions. First up was a visit to Bartley’s Block to modify […]
Newsletter 180 December 2009

The December 2009 Newsletter reports on the final meeting for the year at Valley No 2 Dam and highlights current places, flora and fauna of interest in the park Dear Friends Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam proved to be an interesting and noisy choice of venue for the December Christmas Tea. The noise was non-stop […]
Newsletter 179 November 2009

The November 2009 newsletter reports on Friends activities and the fading but still delightful spring wildflowers and wildlife activities. The December meeting will be held at Chiltern Valley No 2 and will be a picnic followed by spotlighting and no work! Dear Friends A small group of Friends continued the attack on the weeds in […]
Newsletter 178 October 2009

The October newsletter reports on the September meeting the as well as updating on conditions in the Park – note that orders for the 2010 calendars can now be taken. Dear FriendsA small group of us spent the morning weeding the Tuan Campsite enclosures in very light rain. Enclosure one is fully weeded and a […]
Newsletter 177 September 2009

The September newsletter reports on the Annual General Meeting and guest speaker Gary Backhouse’s presentation on Orchids of the World, the Annual report as well as updating on conditions in the Park Dear Friends Dark clouds which threatened to spoil our afternoon walk obligingly moved over us without a drop of rain falling.Twenty-two Friends and […]
Newsletter 176 August 2009
The August 2009 newsletter reports on tree planting at Chiltern Valley, birding in the park in Winter, a delightful story of fox control and curlew breeding, wildflowers in bloom and the progress on the signage for the bird hide in Chiltern Valley No 2. Dear Friends <p> The rainfall pattern continued for July and it’s […]
Newsletter 175 July 2009

Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Newsletter No 175 July 2009 The July 2009 newsletter reports on the walking track signage recently completed and progress on the proposed bird hide at Chiltern Valley No 2 as well as the healthy rainfall for the month of June Dear Friends June was a wonderful month for […]
Newsletter 174 June 2009

The June 2009 Newsletter contains notes on the most recent park activity day, rainfall at last and a proposal to change the name of our group. Dear Friends Some rain has fallen at last and the dust from newly graded roads that pervaded our activities in early May has settled. Puddles on the roadside now […]
Newsletter 173 May 2009

The May 2009 newsletter reports on recently held activities by Friends both in the national park and the Rutherglen Conservation area. Dear Friends We made the most of another glorious autumn day, checking and modifying boxes, listing birds and enjoying the discovery of orchids in the dry, rocky soil. Along with all this was […]
Newsletter 172 April 2009

Dear Friends Following a week of “Indian Summer” the sharp April morning was a welcome change. Armed with ladder, shovel, rakes and wheelbarrow we set off to monitor nest boxes and work at Tuan Campsite.Our regular nest box modifiers were all otherwise occupied this month so we confined our work to monitoring. The Cemetery […]
Newsletter 171 March 2009

Dear Friends Friends offer their condolences to those people in the fire affected areas. Many of us have been touched by the loss of friends. The loss of Jenny Barnett and her partner has robbed us and the VNPA of a committed researcher. Over many years Jenny researched the box-ironbark country of Victoria. Through her […]
Newsletter 170 February 2009

The February 2009 Newsletter reports on the state of the park in these desperately hot and dry circumstances Dear Friends Well what can one say about the weather with its record temperatures! As one member pointed out, “Friends created a record of their own with the first cancellation of a meeting in sixteen years”. A […]
Newsletter 169 December 2008

The December 2008 newsletter reports on the Christmas tea meeting at Chiltern Valley No 1 dam, the history of Bartley’s block in the park, bird surveys recently completed and the monthly around the park update.<p> Dear Friends Chiltern Valley No 1 Dam was the perfect setting for our December Christmas tea meeting. A cool westerly […]
Newsletter 168 November 2008

The November newsletter reports on nest box modifications for pole top camera access, birding along Peakes track and details how to purchase the Friends of Chiltern 2009 calendar Dear Friends The promised rainfall for October did not arrive and the consequences were brought home to us as we traversed the crunchy dry conditions. Usually as […]
Newsletter 167 October 2008

The October newsletter includes a report on Friends activities at the last meeting, an international group from Sunbird Tours and an update of spring conditions in the park. Dear Friends For a variety of reasons we had a small group for the October meeting. I suspect daylight saving had a little to do with it. […]
Newsletter 166 September 2008

The September newsletter includes a description of the annual general meeting and an update on the spring wildflowers and the state of the park. Dear Friends On a pleasant spring afternoon we spent time birdwatching in the park with our guest Dr Matt Cameron. Checking out the released regents was first on the list. There […]
Newsletter 165 August 2008

The August newsletter reports on the August meeting, the plants that are currently in flower, the ongoing success of the regent honeyeater release and some up to date information on birds including a pair of brolgas! Dear Friends Our activity for the August meeting on a quite brisk morning soon had us warmed up. Re-mulching […]
Newsletter 164 July 2008

The July newsletter rejoices upon the arrival of good rainfall. Arrangements for the AGM in August are discussed and a recently published book on plants of flood plains and woodlands of North East Victoria is featured. Photos of Regent Honeyeaters taken by Friends member Ian Cheyne can be accessed. . Dear Friends On a brisk […]
Newsletter 163 June 2008

The June 2008 newsletter provides an updated report on the release of 27 captive bred Regent Honeyeaters in the park and the associated tracking project. Eileen also reports on recently observed flora and fauna such as the spreading wattle Acacia genistifolia. Newsletter No. 163 June 2008 Dear Friends Once again the Friends devoted the meeting […]
Newsletter 162 May 2008

The May 2008 newsletter is full of interesting news and photos especially about the release of 27 captive bred Regent Honeyeaters in the park and the associated tracking project. Photograph courtesy Dean Ingwersen, Threatened Bird Network Coordinator, Birds Australia. FRIENDS OF CHILTERN NATIONAL PARK inc Correspondence to: Neville Bartlett, SecretaryNewsletter: Eileen Collins, Dear Friends […]
Newsletter 161 April 2008

Dear Friends There was a last minute change of plans for the March meeting as some gear was unavailable. However no time is wasted so on a pleasantly warm and calm morning we proceeded to check two clusters of nest boxes. The Grevillea Track cluster all showed signs of use but no animals were present. […]
Newsletter 160 March 2008

Dear Friends The March Friends’ gathering took place in glorious Autumn weather and mammal box checking proceeded with great enthusiasm. First stop was on Stringybark Track where two boxes were inspected. Both were unoccupied but each contained glider nests. One featured a carefully placed collection of green partly-dried leaves packed neatly. It must have taken […]
Newsletter 159 February 2008

Dear friends Some good January rainfall welcomed us to 2008. A gentle fall of 63mm over three days with relatively cool days to follow ensured that most of it soaked in. The park is refreshed but Cyanide Dam did not benefit at all and the vegetation growing in its dry bed is slowly becoming a […]
Newsletter 158 December 2007

Dear Friends With the company of thousands of Aussie Bush Flies we celebrated a year’s activities with Christmas Tea at Honeyeater Picnic area. No amount of repellent had any effect on the hordes. Despite the unwelcome guests once the food was removed the evening was pleasant. While everyone was chatting, some very loud grunting was […]
Newsletter 157 November 2007

Dear Friends There was no meeting in November due to the Friends trip to Ouyen and unforeseen circumstances preventing other members from working.Much rain fell around the northeast but most of it missed Chiltern and the park. We were thankful for 18mm.Infra red cameraWe have been successful in obtaining a Parks Victoria grant to purchase […]
Newsletter 156 October 2007

Dear Friends The temperature for our October meeting was a mild 19 degrees and unfortunately the day was dry. We would cheerfully have worked in pouring rain but it was not to be despite being forecast. The boundary filling on enclosure three at Tuan Campsite was the task for the morning. Willing hands had it […]
Newsletter 155 September 2007
Dear Friends The September Friends day was a glorious spring day but many things conspired against us as far as attendance was concerned. There was Fathers’ Day, members on holiday and members indisposed. So many thanks to the small band of workers who planted extra ironbarks and red box seedlings trees at the Tuan Campsite […]
Newsletter 154 August 2007
Dear Friends A large gathering braved the chilly conditions to enjoy an afternoon of varied activities on Sean Dooley’s interesting Trust for Nature block which borders the national park on two sides.Sean spoke about his passion for box and ironbark country which led him to purchase this unspoiled block. Jim Blackney spoke about the aims […]
Newsletter 153 July 2007
Dear Friends, Overnight rain cleared for our July gathering. Another good roll up of volunteers ensured the mulching of the third enclosure was completed. Many thanks to the paper layers, weeders and shovelers for a job well done. This time we had no fence to get in the way so wheelbarrows made the task easier. […]
Newsletter 152 June 2007
Dear Friends, The rain kept tumbling down and the volunteers kept turning up for the June meeting. We did however cancel the barbequein the interests of comfort and enjoyment. We will try again in July to enjoy a barbecue lunch.Twelve members came prepared to work in the rain and all had their reasons for turning […]
Newsletter 151 May 2007
Dear Friends, Welcome to the world of rain! How wonderful it has been. Hopefully wherever you are you have shared in the bounty.A fine and sunny day was our lot for the May meeting. Thirteen volunteers turned up and we needed every one of them. We welcomed Margaret from Adelaide who was visiting for a […]
Newsletter 150 April 2007
Dear Friends, Welcome to the 150th newsletter! I hope you have all enjoyed a safe Easter break. The weather has been delightful for the holiday and now it can rain , rain and rain!Tony has the new website up and running though it is not quite finished. Check it out and send me your comments […]
Newsletter 149 March 2007
Dear Friends, Stormy and humid weather during February brought some relief to our area. Rainfall was extremely variable, almost filling Depot Dam yet not putting a drop into Cyanide Dam which is totally dry for the second time January 2001. So erratic were the falls that 33mm fell where I live and 300 metres down […]
Newsletter 148 February 2007
Dear Friends Welcome to 2007. Summer is halfway through as I write and there is little prospect of relief by way of some summer rain. I trust you are all providing water in your gardens for the birds especially during these 36-41 degree days.In the drought of the 1980’s a little party of sparrows ate […]
Newsletter 147 December 2006
Dear Friends, Year 2006 seems to have flown. We celebrated our year at Honeyeater Picnic ground with a delightful Christmas Tea. The late afternoon walk was pleasant despite the dry conditions. Very few birds were seen around the dam which was surprising and a reflection of the harsh conditions. Swamp ( minus the swamp!) Wallabies […]
Newsletter 146 November 2006
Dear Friends, Surely this is a year which weatherwise we will not forget easily. A little relief arrived on November 2nd in the form of 11mm of precious rain and as I write this it is trying again! Let’s hope November brings us a few good falls as it did last year.There was a change […]
Newsletter 145 October 2006
Dear Friends, Nothing has changed, it’s still dry and getting drier. Despite the weather we are still able to find highlights in the park.Working at the Depot site to the song of Western Gerygones and Painted Honeyeaters was one of the highlights. Nine of us tackled the mulching of the enclosures. One is completed but […]
Newsletter 144 September 2006
Dear Friends, As I write this it is pouring with most welcome rain. I hope wherever you are you are receiving your share.Our September meeting day was unseasonaly warm and the working group felt quite fatigued after the tree planting and mulching activity at the Depot Re-vegetation site. The final group of trees is now […]
Newsletter 143 August 2006
Dear Friends, Well, the wet break did not last long, neither was it sufficient. Now we are back to pleasant sunny days and very frosty morningsinto the minus figures again. However the frost did not deter the 14 hardy members who turned out to plant at Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam. Understorey plants, wattles, bursarias, […]
Newsletter 142 July 2006
Dear Friends, The hoped for break has arrived, good gentle rain and a break in the frost cycle, both very much appreciated. A brave crew assembled for the day and it was deemed too wet to spray freesias but not too wet too prevent feral destruction. So off to the Transfer Station block in drizzling […]
Newsletter 141 June 2006
Dear Friends, Lack of rain required a change of activity for June. Our revegetation site at Depot is extremely dry, so much so that the initial flush of Capeweed has withered off and planting of shrubs is impossible. So it was nestboxes again, this time on the Cemetery Bushland Reserve where an adjacent landholder who […]
Newsletter 140 May 2006
Dear Friends Such an Indian Summer we are experiencing with temperatures ranging from minus 3 to 20 degrees in the daytime. Such was the day we had for the April meeting. Four more nest boxes went up like clockwork giving us time to enjoy the Autumn Greenhoods, Pterostylis revoluta, and the Winter Greenhood, Pterostylis parviflora. […]
Newsletter 139 April 2006
Dear Friends The long, lazy autumn days have ended with the ending of daylight saving. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some refreshing rain to accompany it? The park is looking very dry now but the flowering eucalypts make up for the dryness on the ground. The sound of friar-birds, wattle-birds and bees pervades the […]
Newsletter 138 March 2006
Dear Friends It may be autumn but the summer heat remains and the chances of rain seem remote at present. The warm weather did not deter a willing band of fourteen members to assist with the nest box work. Five boxes were replaced on the Donchi Hill block. Twenty boxes have been erected so far, […]
Newsletter 137 February 2006
Dear Friends Welcome to 2006. Usually January is pretty quiet but not this year. Several wetlands near Rutherglen filled quickly after the deluge of rain in late November. It didn’t take long for the waterbirds to discover it either. It is over 5 seasons since the wetlands have been full and all the regulars returned […]
Newsletter 136 December 2005
Dear Friends, Well, December may be the first month of summer but the rain keeps falling and the storms keep rolling through. However it was dry and partly cloudy for our Christmas ramble around Donchi Hill. The wind kept the flies and mossies away so it was very pleasant. We found some late flowering Leek […]
Newsletter 135 November 2005
Dear Friends, What a splendid spring and still the rain keeps tumbling down! The peas have excelled themselves and the last of them are still lovely. Exceptionally spectacular was the Yellow Wedge Pea, Gompholobium heuglii and not far behind came Twiggy Bush-Pea, P. largiflorens and Heathy Bush-pea P. procumbens. There are now drifts of Grass […]
Newsletter 134 October 2005
Dear Friends, October the first was a perfect day for being in the bush and we made the most of it. Our first task was to replace the boxes on the All Nations Road site which were lost in the burn. Once the sites were chosen the job was easier than choosing the sites!. We […]
Newsletter 133 September 2005
Dear Friends, The final fall of 25mm in August was just what was needed in the park. However the predicted showers for our Friends Day did not arrive, instead we enjoyed a perfect spring day for our weeding. The ground was soft and the roots of the Spurge and Genista had little grip on the […]
Newsletter 132 August 2005
Dear Friends, After a wet week the weekend was fine, calm and cool which made pleasant conditions for our afternoon walk. The chosen spot for the afternoon was Donchi Hill where we split into two groups and headed off in opposite directions seeking Swift Parrots. Although they had been frequenting the area for a couple […]
Newsletter 131 July 2005
Dear Friends, A damp overcast morning was soon forgotten as we trekked the park looking for nest boxes. Our first box provided enjoyment as two Sugar Gliders peeped out of the entrance. Seemingly quite content to observe, one had its feet resting on the opening and its head more or less resting on its feet. […]
Newsletter 130 June 2005
Dear Friends, Greeted by yet another unseasonal warm sunny day what else could we do but enjoy it? One request put to the committee for inclusion in the 2005 programme was that we visit a part of the park rarely visited. So June’s activity was centred on the Ironbark Track block, in particular the south […]
Newsletter 129 May 2005
Dear Friends, The warm dry days and light frosty mornings continue and rain seems no closer. Conditions for fauna in the park are harsh. The eucalypt blossoms are attracting few birds and one may assume there are actually fewer birds and/or the blossom is not yielding nectar. The latter appeared to be the case as […]
Newsletter 128 April 2005
Dear Friends, This Indian Summer continues, smoke hangs around but despite it the days are enjoyable. Control burns have been conducted on Arnie’s Block off Depot Road and on All Nations block between All Nations Road and Lancashire Gap Road. Along All Nations Road there are fine examples of the fire fungus, Polyporus mylittae. The […]
Newsletter 127 March 2005
Dear Friends, Following a cold, windy and wet Saturday, much to our relief Sunday dawned cool, calm and sunny.A small band gathered to tackle the privet on Lancashire Gap Road. No saws and paste were required as the plants pulled easily from the soft damp ground. Some of the lateral roots stretched for over a […]
Newsletter 126 February 2005
Dear Friends, Following an extraordinary fall of rain and a very cold snap we were treated to a delightfully fresh cool day for our first meeting for 2005. The rain probably affected the numbers of waterbirds for our scheduled wetlands survey but there was a surprise in store for us at the lunchtime spot at […]
Newsletter 125 December 2004
Dear Friends, Summer has struck! Despite the 37 degree heat seven of us dealt the thistles and mullein at the State Battery site at Frogs Hollow a severe blow. None of the thistles or mullein plants had set seed, however many thistles are left to do just that! Other weeds pulled included nightshade, prunus seedlings, […]
Newsletter 124 November 2004
Dear Friends, True to the weather forecast the showery day arrived on cue. Undeterred eight hardy members turned up to do the morning work. Over twenty cactus plants were removed from Riley’s Road and after a chance meeting with ranger Dave they were handed over for destruction. The Indigo Goldfileds Cemetery, Howlong Road and Bartley’s […]
Newsletter 123 October 2004
Dear Friends, Despite the weather forecast indicating some showers the afternoon was sunny and very pleasant. The first stop was near the start of Donchi Hill Road and the wild flowers were lovely but few birds were about. The flowers included Small-leaf Parrot -pea, Dillwynia phylicoides, Chocolate Lilies, Grevillea alpina, Yam Daisies, Waxlips, Glossodia major […]
Newsletter 122 September 2004
Dear Friends, A damp and showery day greeted the small band of workers for the August meeting. Weeding around the new trees at the Depot Road revegetation site and adding some Bulokes to the plantation was the main task. Buloke is an uncommon tree in the park. More Bulokes were planted in the park along […]
Newsletter 121 August 2004
Dear Friends, The forecast rain did not arrive giving us perfect sunny, calm day for the Regent Honeyeater and Swift Parrot survey. Twelve members worked in groups to cover the prospective sites and converged on Honeyeater Picnic spot to compare findings and have lunch with the usual company of cheeky Brown Treecreepers, Wrens and Yellow […]
Newsletter 120 July 2004
Dear Friends, Presented with a crisp winter morning we set out with ladders, checklists, compasses, torches and a GPS to complete the nest log surveying. At least that’s what we thought we may achieve! Many logs had fallen to the ground as a result of storm damage and rotting trees so much time was spent […]
Newsletter 119 June 2004
Dear Friends, After the rain, and following misty days, Sunday dawned frosty and clear, a perfect day for the planned activity of nest log checking and looking for birds and early orchids. With ladders, checklists, compasses, torches and a GPS we set about the ask of finding logs which had not been checked for a […]
Newsletter 118 May 2004
Dear Friends, Heavy rain early in the morning caused the cancellation of the day’s activities. Hopefully a start can be made on the box and log checking in June. During May ecological burning was completed on the Donchi Hill block and the Dillwynia block. The Echuca Bird Observers’ group visited the park for three days […]
Newsletter 117 April 2004
Dear Friends, The long dry autumn continues and our work day was rather tiring but we made up for it with a long lunch at Greenhill Dam which provided us with a just reward in the form of our first Regent Honeyeater for the season. Nine of us tackled the Sweet Briar on the mullock […]
Newsletter 116 March 2004
Dear Friends, It seems that the hot spell in February caused the second year plants of the target weed, Caper Spurge, to wilt badly and many of its seed heads failed to develop. This was a pleasant surprise so we were able to channel our energies into pulling all the new plants, some 500+ in […]
Newsletter 115 February 2004
Dear Friends, A good gathering of members met at the Chiltern Post Office at 3 p.m. and then headed off to the Depot Road site to do some weeding. The sun was blazing hot when we arrived and the site was rather dry and dusty however a collection of various tenacious weeds were soon dispatched. […]
Newsletter 114 December 2003
Dear Friends Afternoon showers caused us to run for shelter as we searched for olives on Donchi Hill Road but what followed in the evening sent us packing! It was pleasant wandering around the box woodland section of Donchi Hill looking for olives to attack. A total of 15 trees were removed, some growing vigorously […]
Newsletter 113 November 2003
Dear Friends, Weeding at Bartley’s Block, believe it or not, was a delight on November 1st. Our small group was entertained by a variety of bird song, the rattling call of excited Rufous Songlarks, constant calling of the tiny Mistletoe Bird, Wrens, Rufous Whistlers, Weebills, Eastern Rosellas, the chattering of the Babblers and best of […]
Newsletter 112 October 2003
Dear Friends, Friends ramble in the Barambogie Range of the greater Chiltern-Mt Pilot N.P. provided participants with a selection of springtime glory in some of the lesser visited areas of the park. Early morning rain and dark skies hung over the convoy as it departed Chiltern and headed for the hills. Upon arrival at the […]
Newsletter 111 September 2003
Dear Friends Spring rain didn’t dampen our enthusiasm for the flora survey of the Dillwynia block and many new species were added to the list. Orchids were plentiful in the ironbark and stringybark community, dainty Blue Fairies, Caladenia caerulea, tiny Dusky Caladenias, C fuscata grew in little groups. Donkey Orchids, Diuris pardina, were plentiful and […]
Newsletter 110 August 2003
Dear Friends Another glorious, calm and sunny day, perfect for hearing bird calls and for the activity of the day, surveying. From the Convenor: The August meeting was dedicated to the survey of Regent Honeyeaters and Swift Parrots. Eight members broke up into groups of two and surveyed various sections of the park. All up […]
Newsletter 109 July 2003
Dear Friends A cold showery day failed to deter a hardy and interested group from turning out and our guest, Dr Phil Suter, provided us with a most interesting and enlightening afternoon. We welcome Betty Carrasco, as our new convenor and she gives us this report: Dr Phil Suter, from the School of Environmental Management […]
Newsletter 108 June 2003
Dear Friends Welcome rain came a little earlier than forecast but then fungi hunting seems an appropriate activity for such a day. This report of the day has been submitted by Christine Watson. Fungi Day at Mt Pilot On Sunday morning eighteen keen Fungi fans braved the rain and headed off to Mt Pilot in […]
Newsletter 107 May 2003
Dear Friends The rain that we hoped for fell in April and made it possible to dig the holes for the Depot plantings. An industrious group made short work of the task, the hardest part being getting the thick, long wooden stakes into the ground. Hopefully the stakes will not interest would-be stake collectors and […]
Newsletter 106 April 2003
Dear Friends Another section of the Mt Pleasant Road block is now free of Olives thanks to our hard working crew who removed 32 Olive trees wielding saws, loppers, secateurs and paste. As we walked the block on a pleasant sunny morning we tried to imagine the conditions the miners worked under as they systematically […]
Newsletter 105 March 2003
Dear Friends What a pleasant change! A day with a forecast maximum of only 20 degrees Celsius had seemed to be a long way off but it was here at last. No more bush fire smoke could be seen and everyone seemed to have a burst of energy and enthusiasm. Our task for the March […]
Newsletter 104 February 2003
Dear Friends The February Friends’ day was indeed an unusual one. The recent bushfires in the area had affected many members by virtue of having a close call with disaster without anyone suffering any losses. Smoky conditions much like moderate and persistent fog had been present for over two weeks and this day was no […]
Newsletter 103 January 2003
Dear Friends Happy New Year to All. Sadly it is a fiery one with nature exacting a heavy toll. Please find enclosed, or attached, if you are on the email list, the programme for 2003. Please note that the AGM has been scheduled for July 12th, a week later than the normal meeting date. The […]
Newsletter 102 November 2002
Dear Friends No rain but good news nevertheless with the announcement of the new Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park and the addition of Killawarra to the Warby State Park. Thanks to everyone who wrote letters, signed cards, lobbied or helped in any other way. This precious landscape and habitat will now be protected for future generations […]
Newsletter 101 October 2002
Dear Friends An industrious group assembled for the October gathering and tackled the Cootamundra Wattles, Pines, Prunus and worst of all the rampant Privet and Cotoneaster. Still left in the gully below Tank Track is a formidable stand of Sweet Briar and that is to be sprayed by Parks crew. It was amazing to see […]
Newsletter 100 September 2002
Dear Friends A large group gathered for an introduction into the lives of the mosses, liverworts and lichens that occur in the park. David Meagher gave us a great insight into these overlooked little “plants’. Asked how many different species might occur in the park, numbers like 10, 15, 20, were offered and greeted with […]
Newsletter 099 August 2002
Dear Friends Following the welcome rain Sunday dawned bright and cool. A small group accompanied by visitors from Melbourne visited the Coyle’s Trail area where they were hopeful of finding some flowering but found only White Box in bud. After lunch at Honeyeater Picnic area part of White Box walk was searched. The target species, […]
Newsletter 098 July 2002
Dear Friends Some rain at last! Greeted by a cold damp morning a small group braved the elements to tag the Bridal Creeper on the block opposite Greenhill Dam. It is good to have the weed tagged as it greatly helps the parks staff to locate it when they are spraying. The rain has been […]
Newsletter 097 June 2002
Dear Friends The long dry spell continues, with the milder mornings being replaced by below zero temperatures followed by gloriously sunny days. Some rain fell in May so we went ahead with the plantings on Lot 9 and willing hands had the job done in an hour and a half. Hopefully rain will come soon […]
Newsletter 096 May 2002
Dear Friends The desired autumn break did not eventuate so the major tree planting scheduled for this month was deferred. However there was still plenty to occupy willing hands. Depot was our first target. Where the trees had not survived from the last planting we opened up the ground and watered the holes to plant […]
Newsletter 095 April 2002
Dear Friends Just as well it was like a summer’s day as the task at hand was a wet one. Removal of a water weed from one of the dams was our target. Some had gum boots, some had waders, some were unprepared and stayed at the edge and the brave ones stripped off and […]
Newsletter 094 March 2002
Dear Friends A pleasant autumn day after the hot, humid spell, was appreciated by the ten willing hands who turned out for the annual clean up day. Our target, Barambogie Bushland Reserve, is now almost clear of rubbish but the weeds will take some considerable effort on future visits. Most of the rubbish was quite […]
Newsletter 093 February 2002
Dear Friends Welcome to the year 2002 and I trust it will be a rewarding year for everyone. Please find enclosed your programme for this year. As we sweltered through the 36+ degrees first days of February I thought perhaps the Olives on Mt Pleasant block would survive a little longer. Not to be. The […]
Newsletter 092 December 2001
Dear Friends Cyanide Dam on a mild and overcast day provided a pleasant spot for a relaxing afternoon. Birds were not as obvious as on previous visits most probably due to breeding activities. The usual Superb Fairy Wrens and cheeky Brown Treecreepers kept us company and Brown-headed and Black-chinned Honeyeaters called in the distance. In […]
Newsletter 091 November 2001
Dear FriendsA pleasantly warm spring day and an extremely dusty, freshly graded Mt Pleasant Road greeted us for our November gathering. Sorry everyone for the added chore of car cleaning! Undeterred, ten of us tackled the block between Curtain Road and Chinese Track in search of Olives and any other feral plant in sight. The […]
Newsletter 090 October 2001
Dear Friends Despite the showery weather we had a good attendance and completed most of our tasks. Thanks to those who braved the weather. Conditions were great for planting out the Ironbarks at the Depot site. Inspection of an area where the old wattle was burnt revealed a good germination of wattles and some eucalypts. […]
Newsletter 089 September 2001
Dear Friends Several of us braved the cool showery conditions to search for and map the nest logs on Donchi Hill and enjoy a cuppa at the picnic spot overlooking the plain. In the course of traversing the rough terrain of the south east slope of Donchi Hill we received our daily exercise and enjoyed […]
Newsletter 088 August 2001
Dear FriendsA dramatic overnight change in the weather threatened to mar our walk with Neville Walsh. Although it was cold the rain held off and we were able to enjoy the day. Three and possibly four, new plants were added to the park list. In a wet depression near Magenta Neville found several tiny plants […]
Newsletter 087 July 2001
Dear Friends The long promised rain began on Friday and paused on Saturday just long enough for us get through the day. Our weeding activities from previous years appeared to have been in vain as we surveyed the even germination and growth of a forest of 20 centimetre tall Spurge plants at Bartley’s. Maybe it […]
Newsletter 086 June 2001
Dear Friends Checking nest logs and boxes with Bruce Quin gave everyone a fitness outing for the weekend. Again we were granted perfect weather for the three days and having two groups to share the task ensured that all nest logs and boxes were located and checked. The rewards of the day were many, groups […]
Newsletter 085 May 2001
Dear Friends On another glorious autumn day Friends attacked the ferals on Brady’s Bushland Reserve and removed the last of the rubbish. Bridal Creeper was sprayed, Briar Rose dug out and a large Cootamundra Wattle was felled. One bird, an Eastern Yellow Robin, was added to the fauna list. Now we await spring to add […]
Newsletter 084 April 2001
Dear Friends Great weather, good company, some work and lots of birds made April 1st a great joke free day! Morning tea was taken at Brady’s Reef Bushland Reserve on the Beechworth Road after what seemed a rather long session of weeding and rubbish gathering at two bushland areas on the Rutherglen Road and Cemetery […]
Newsletter 083 March 2001
Dear FriendsOur March meeting was varied and exciting. Friends and Green Corps plus a visitor turned out for the annual Clean Up Oz Day activity. The target roads, the main bitumen roads through the park and town approaches received a good clean up. The majority of the rubbish originated from the food, beverage and tobacco […]
Newsletter 082 February 2001
Dear Friends Welcome to the year 2001. Your committee trusts you will find something of interest to you in this year’s programme. Programme suggestions are welcome at any time. Despite the rain the weather has not been conducive to pleasant park rambles. However it has encouraged the Stringybark to flower and the first Regent Honeyeater […]
Newsletter 081 December 2000
Dear FriendsOur final meeting for 2000 was at Depot Dam on a pleasant afternoon. The targets for the day were Grey-crowned Babblers and Bush-stone Curlews so we divided into two groups to cover the known territories. The group searching the Fisher’s Road area had the most success, 5 Grey-crowned Babblers, a Barn Owl, a Goanna […]
Newsletter 080 November 2000
Dear Friends Please note the change of website address. This unusually wet spring has enhanced the life of many plants and delayed the flowering of others. Blue pincushions, Brunonia australis normally in full flower in early November is still in bud, delicate Finger Flower, Cheiranthera cyanea is keeping its colour well under the cool moist […]
Newsletter 079 October 2000
Dear Friends A cold south westerly wind greeted us for the October meeting but did not deter us from enjoying the park. Accompanied by visitors from Ballarat Field Naturalists’ Club we had a most interesting afternoon. Surprisingly most of the Diuris pardina had faded yet we were still able to find good specimens of both […]
Newsletter 078 September 2000
Dear Friends, Brady’s Reef Bushland Reserve is now free of unsightly rusted metal rubbish, bottles and tins thanks to a hard working trio. Judging by the number of skinks we found the block is particularly good habitat for reptiles. The beautifully patterned Hemiergis decresiensis was observed several times and one juvenile, which lacked the black […]
Newsletter 077 August 2000
Dear Friends, On Sunday 6th of August over a dozen people were involved in checking and erecting nest boxes designed to monitor the presence of Brush-tailed Phascogales or Tuans in the park. The activity was directed at restoring a line of boxes put up by Todd Soderquist some ten years ago. As well as providing […]
Newsletter 076 July 2000
Dear Friends, Last meeting, a small band of workers tackled rubbish at Brady’s Reef Bushland Reserve on the Chiltern/Beechworth Road. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this reserve, it is a small roadside reserve dominated by Red Box Eucalyptus polyanthemos and Red Stringybark E. macrorhyncha. There is evidence of surface mining and part […]
Newsletter 075 June 2000
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN NATIONAL PARK Inc Convenor: E.Collins 0357 261 484Newsletter Editor: E.Collins (this issue Scott Jessup)Email: Dear Friends, The long awaited Box-Ironbark Forests and Woodlands Investigation by the Environment Conservation Council has been released. Great news for nature conservation in our neck of the woods. It is proposed that a new park […]
Newsletter 074 May 2000
FRIENDS OF CHILTERN NATIONAL PARK INCConvenor: E. Collins 0357 261 484 email: Dear Friends Welcome rains fell across the north-east during the first week of May. Chiltern recorded 39mm for the week and the temperature remained very mild for the time of the year. However, the night before the meeting, the wind turned to […]
Newsletter 073 April 2000
Dear Friends The arrival of Eastern Spinebills and Golden Whistlers heralded the seasonal change in the bird world. It would have been easy to recline in our chairs and bird watch on a perfect autumn morning but the wretched Caper Spurge had responded so well to the unseasonal rain that this could not be! Fortunately […]
Newsletter 072 March 2000
Dear Friends A diligent band of workers completed the Bushland Reserve clean-up on the Cemetery Rd block. There was no need to go spotlighting either for our reward for the afternoon was a display of gliding by no less than three Squirrel Gliders. Apparently they were disturbed from their daytime resting place under some Ironbark […]
Newsletter 071 February 2000
Dear Friends Welcome to the year 2000 and the February heat! After 114mm of rain in December, { almost 5 inches} plus the unexpected cool weather through January we are feeling the sudden arrival of summer. Nevertheless six of us tackled the bushland reserve restoration. Armed with saws, paste and rubbish bags we made quite […]
Newsletter 070 December 1999
Summer is definitely upon us! We gathered at Bartley’s Block for our final meeting of the century and spent an hour birdwatching in the shade from the comfort of our chairs waiting for the rest of the group to arrive. The Caper Spurge was pulled and our socks became very seedy! We were pleased that […]
Newsletter 069 November 1999
Dear Friends An industrious group rolled up for the November meeting . The old enemies Caper Spurge, Genista and Thistles were targetted at Bartley’s Block and the Howlong Road site. As I was away for this meeting Scott has contributed this report. Take bits of it with a grain of salt please! After morning tea […]
Newsletter 068 October 1999
Newsletter No 68 October 1999 Dear Friends National Threatened Species Day fell on September 7 so our activities on Sunday appropriately marked the day. A small group of dedicated workers planted 350 trees on Vito and Linda Conticchio’s creek side property. Ivan Gugger kindly ripped the area prior to planting and the 33mm of rain […]
Newsletter 067 Septermber 1999
Friends of Chiltern Newsletter no 67 FRIENDS OF CHILTERN NATIONAL PARKINC September 1999 Dear Friends National Threatened Species Day fell on September 7 so our activities on Sunday appropriately marked the day. A small group of dedicated workers planted 350 trees on Vito and Linda Conticchio’s creek side property. Ivan Gugger kindly ripped the area […]
Newsletter 066 August 1999
Newsletter No 66 August 1999 Dear Friends A large gathering of Friends and visitors enjoyed a work free meeting prior to the AGM on Saturday August 6th. Walking in the park on a calm, mild sunny winter day is a pleasurable experience. The walk today took us along Bartley’s Track, which runs off Mt.Pleasant Road, […]
Newsletter 065 July 1999
Newsletter No 65 July 1999 Dear Friends By 9.00am the frost had faded, the sun was warming, and hot drinks were being consumed at the meeting place by two who had travelled some distance. We had quite a few workers so some were deployed to replace a fallen nest log while others went to Depot […]
Newsletter 064 June 1999
Newsletter No 64 June 1999 Dear Friends The June gathering coincided with World Environment Day, therefore it was appropriate that we were again planting trees. Chiltern Valley No 2 Dam was the venue where we filled in a previous planting with 40 Blakeley’s Gums which were grown by member Steve Bush. The dam was murky […]
Newsletter 063 May 1999
Newsletter No 63 May 1999 Dear Friends The long dry Autumn continues to bring warm, calm weather making conditions ideal for pursuing activities in the bush. However they are less favourable for tree planting since the hoped for follow up rain did not come. Despite the conditions the trees at Pit Road and some of […]
Newsletter 062 April 1999
Newsletter No 62 April 1999 Dear Friends Friends gathered at Bartley’s Block on Easter Saturday. In perfect autumn weather we attacked Spurge, Thistles, Pademelons and Sweet Briar. A new weed for the block, Bathurst Burr, was smartly removed. Recent rains had obviously benefited both the Burr and Pademelons. Bartley’s Block is going to require regular […]
Newsletter 061 March 1999
Newsletter No 61 March 1999 Dear Friends Autumn is upon us bringing thundery showers and some destructive winds. A good fall of rain would see us planting trees in April. Every meeting seems to bring something different. For March we had two meetings, an act I hope not to repeat. Three of us waiting in […]
Newsletter 060 February 1999
Newsletter No. 60 February 1999 Welcome to 1999 I hope it will be a rewarding year for you all. I shall begin with “January Jottings”. January is normally a quiet month but it produced a few unexpected treasures on the ground and in the trees. Finding eleven Apostle Birds, with a nest and dependent young […]
Newsletter 057 October 1998
Newsletter No. 57 October 1998 Dear Friends The morning dawned wet and miserable following 11mm of overnight rain. However the weather for the day turned out to be perfect for our visitors from Murrumbidgee Field Nats. Somewhat delayed by the necessity to do their duty at the polling booth prior to leaving they arrived at […]
Newsletter 056 September 1998
Newsletter No. 56 September 1998 Dear Friends It is a pleasure to write to you following 40mm of rain and with spring in the air. The rain certainly triggered the plants to begin their spring display. The eucalypt blossom, which was looking rather tired after a few warm days, has sprung into life again and […]
Newsletter 055 August 1998
Newsletter No 55 August 1998 Dear Friends Our August walk took us along about half the White Box Walking Track in reverse. We went in search of the several Regent Honeyeaters that had been seen feeding in the White Box and Red Stringybark. The day was bleak and overcast and birds were scarce. One of […]
Newsletter 054 July 1998
Newsletter No. 54 July 1998 Dear Friends A cold, windy but dry day was our lot for the July meeting with scattered Golden Wattle blossom brightening the scene. The tree planting on Howlong Road was completed by many willing hands. After morning tea at Depot block we filled in a few spaces with the remaining […]
Newsletter 053 June 1998
Newsletter No. 53 June 1998 Dear Friends Many things conspired to ensure that the trees did not get planted at the June meeting. However, true to Friends form when tree planting is on, it really rained! Two members braved the weather for an hour or so and pulled Spurge at Bartleys Block and then retired […]
Newsletter 052 May 1998
Newsletter no.52 May 1998 Dear Friends Following the rain conditions were ideal for our tree planting activity at Depot Dam. Willing hands soon had eighty trees and shrubs planted around the dam. After morning tea of Elephant’s Foot and Lisa’s goodies we filled the spaces in the reclaimed area. The dry weather, kangaroos and rabbits […]
Newsletter 050 February 1998
Newsletter No.50 February 1998 Dear Friends Welcome to the New Year. I hope it will be rewarding for you all.Despite the dry conditions our January campout at Cyanide Dam was full of interest. Early arrivals found a pair of Willie Wagtails feeding three half grown nestlings and taking turns to shelter them from the hot […]
Newsletter 049 December 1997
Newsletter No:49 December 1997 Dear Friends Almost three years ago we tackled the exotic plants at Frogs Hollow and created a huge pile for burning. This month we returned to tackle the regrowth and within an hour and a half we had it removed. Small fruit trees, Sweet Briar, a few Hawthorn seedlings, a Fig […]
Newsletter 048 November 1997
Newsletter No:48 November 1997 Dear Friends Thirty-three millimetres of rain assisted with the Weedbusters Day. How? It made the Paterson’s Curse lose its grip on the earth and succumb to the pull of willing hands and provided a clear fresh day for working. There weren’t many of us but we had a large trailer load […]
Newsletter 045 August 1997
Newsletter No. 45 August 1997 Dear Friends, Dry, sunny weather, which has been the norm for too long now, made our August meeting enjoyable. It was very quiet at Cyanide Dam so we moved to Magenta for lunch among the noise of the Friar birds, Wattle-birds, and smaller honeyeaters, including Regents. The Ironbarks are in […]
Newsletter 044 July 1997
Newsletter No. 44 July 1997 Dear Friends A very frosty morning, -3 degrees, a Swift Parrot perched atop a dead limb in the sunshine, an Antechinus coming out to feed ,some noisy Lorikeets and a pack of squabbling Yellow-tufted Honeyeaters greeted us at the Donkey Hill meeting spot. Armed with compasses and map and the […]
Newsletter 042 May 1997
Newsletter No.42 May 1997 Dear Friends It seems that we only have to plant trees to command rain. Perhaps having the wrong day and date on the meeting note was designed by some higher power but it worked well! I apologise to anyone who was caused inconvenience. Members worked as a great team and 160 […]
Newsletter 039 February 1997
Newsletter No. 39 February 1997 Dear Friends Friends 1997 began in great weather with a campout at Cyanide Dam. Twelve members, along with some visitors from Western Australia enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere at the dam and an evening spotlight walk. We began with a walk along the Cyanide Rd and All Nations Rd loop which […]
Newsletter 036 October 1996
Newsletter No.36 October 1996 Dear Friends Under the threat of rain a band of Friends gathered on Greenhill Road to wander through the bush armed with yellow tape {environmentally friendly stuff of course} to identify the dreaded Bridal Creeper and other undesirables. Later we moved to a wet area on Riley`s Road to repeat the […]
Newsletter 032 June 1996
Newsletter No. 32 June 1996 Dear Friends Winter is upon us and as I write this it is raining. Unfortunately it remains very dry in this region so hopefully there will be a good fall this time. The park certainly needs it. The Ironbark flowering has declined, there is some Grey Box in flower and […]
Newsletter 033 July 1996
Newsletter No. 33 July 1996 Dear Friends A very small band worked on covering the ripped area on the Howlong Road. Dead material was difficult to find in this Grey Box area. Most of the material used came from dead wattles. The two main revegetation areas are now fairly well covered so providing shelter for […]
Newsletter 024 September 1995
Newsletter No. 24 September 1995 Dear Friends The September meeting turned out to be a two day affair. On Saturday the Cub Scouts from Wodonga came to plant trees in order to gain their community service badges. Seven Friends members came to assist and were kept on the run as the children planted 175 trees. […]
Newsletter 007 February 1994
Newsletter No.7 February 1994 Dear Friends, Bartley`s Brewery site was again the focus of our attention. Thistles were ruthlessly hacked out and bags of Caper Spurge seed heads were removed. The browsing Kangaroos have created open patches and tracks among the sedge. The 130 year old Persimmon trees, with their elegant branches laden with fruit, […]
Newsletter 006 January 1994
Newsletter No.6 January 1994 Dear Friends, Welcome to 1994. This newsletter reports on the December and January meetings and includes your programme for 1994. The Christmas breakfast meeting coincided with the Bird Observers` Twitchathon so by the time the breakfasters arrived the barbecue was well and truly alight. It wasn`t long before the smells of […]
Newsletter 005 November 1993
Dear Friends, Bartley`s Brewery site, the November venue, had changed considerably since our June gathering. The grass and sedge was over knee high but that didn`t deter eighteen of us from eradicating the remains of the Caper Spurge and removing a host of thistles. The overnight rain had dampened the enthusiasm of the snakes and […]
Newsletter 004 September/October 1993
Friends of Chiltern Park Newsletter No.4 October 1993 Dear Friends, Thirty-two members, including nine junior members, met at Bartley`s Brewery site in September. Once again the weather was perfect. Our guest for the meeting was Glen Johnson, Flora and Fauna Guarantee Officer from DCNR. On a walk through the park Glen helped us to identify […]